Geek Universe

Check Out This Rare Pokemon Concept Art

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    Capsule Monsters

    Text - Monstes TM GAMB FREAK INC. 1990

    The game was originally going to be called Capsule Monsters or Capsumon, but the name was unable to be trademarked which led to it being revised to "Pocket Monsters" which was shortened to Pokemon.

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    Early Capsule

    Line art
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    Catching a Pokemon

    Text - ずーにをう不うと 2-47 C ) 29-7-1E の上下左る 32x32 dot 3r9-> SE: - b ১ 324 ポルか空中に浮い243 (-)
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    Drawing - ラプラスにって連へ A

    As we can see, this early Lapras design heavily represents the one we ended up with. The final result just looks a little less bland and dinosaur like.

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    Text - ●近未素ストーター(仮R) 『きプセルモンスター』が発売きれて1か月。『カプセルモンスター』はダンジョンク オプのゲームフィールドに、PGの要素を盛り込んだ獣ゲームだ。駄藤手離さんや画 民用屋さんの店頭に"ガチャボン"と呼ばれるカプサル民共自動販売機があるのは、 き みも知っているだろう? あのカプセルを集める楽しみに近いといえばいいのかな? ゴース 。ヤドン 『カプセルモンスター』は、ゲームボーイ上の気想地下連宮に200種類もの想報 が理島しているという設定になっている。このゲーームの主人会は、·カリスマ度”という これまで目本人には みの薄かったパラメーター(特性)を高めていくことによって 相報と友庫になっていく、 仲間に引引き入れることができるんだ。カリスマ度は『ウィザー ドリィ』のなかで設定されているんだけど、いままでn本のゲームでこの特をいかした ものがでてこなったらしい。ももろん、 いままでのPGと用じように戦闘を通じて集 す代わりに生け ったりすることもできるんだけれどね。 ところで、00種類を越る獣のなかにはなかなか出会わなかったり、なかなを 同になってく

    Some early battle concepts showing Slowbro and Gastly as well as Blastoise and Staryu.

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    Closeup of that battle Scene

    Line art

    Here's that same scene. Note the whips the trainers carry, which were later omitted from the final battling concept but still included in certain sprites like Sabrina and the Rocket Grunts.

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    Transfering pokemon

    Text - TITLE Transfer Animation NO. PICTURE SITUATION Once the player chooses which monster to trade.... Transferring monster ..The chasen monster appears on the sCreen 7he name of the monster is No. 124 Buhi displayed at the bottom. Transferring monster SFX Baoop It is encapsulated using the same animation as when it was caught No. 124 Buhii Transferring moster A transfer pipe appears at the ight of the screen. (O8J SFX: Vrrrt No. 24 Buhi Tiansferring monster The ball rolls slowly. Buhi No. 124
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    Line art - ンをAとき、種にも入ってい。ギケンと入時とのを1でいいていイラスト。 tst

    Early concept of a Pokemon town. Note what appears to be a Primeape in a cage on the left page.

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    Line art

    A trainer exploring a cave with his Rhydon (a slightly earlier design). Notice the Pokemon hatching from an egg down the bottom of the picture. This shows that the concept of breeding/hatching Pokemon eggs existed long before Gold and Silver.

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    Early Battle Scene

    Text - H 400 TP 27 10 S718 3sonds-

    Too bad the fantastic 'monkey in a hat' didn't see a final release. We can only imagine that it went on to inspire Primeape/Mankey. The left looks a little like Lickitung or Kangaskhan.

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    Statistics Draft

    Text - EVEL NO. 124 47 125 EKu9f フッイヤープレス TP 10 OLD

    Is that Charizard?

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    Kanto Map Draft

    Technical drawing - CAPSULE MONSTERS Copyright 1090 Gane Freak Inc. 33-2 3-1 6-1 6-2 T 7 3-1 5 5-2 2 6 1 8 9 iso-2 10

    Early map of the Kanto reigon. The numbers likely represent where the gyms were originally going to be located, or just the order in which the player would visit the areas.

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