
Girl Brags About Hit and Run on Twitter, Gets Justice

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    The original tweet. Stupid cyclists getting in my way! #QueenOfTheRoad

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    As an added bonus, here are two pictures from her Twitter account...

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    Tweeting while driving! #TotallyNotDangerous

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    Not long after her tweet, Norwich City Police is on the case...

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    ... and sweet sweet justice is delivered.

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    According to, the victim was 29-year-old Toby Hockley, a trainee chef and member of the local cycling club. He was thrown from his bike and into a nearby hedge, but was miraculously okay save for a sore elbow and a bruised knee. Hockley had this to say about the incident: "She hit me hard, really hard. I am lucky to be alive. But I managed to get out of the hedge and stand up... Myself and my friend burst out laughing when we finally came to a stop, more out of shock than anything else. You count your limbs and carry on."


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