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By cataff on Apr 9, 2015 at 2:30 PM

We were cool last night too. The weather can't make up its mind as to which season it's supposed to be. I have 38 more days. The end is much closer than it was, but that still seems like a long time. The best supplemental plan for Medicare is called Plan F. Different states allow different companies to offer this insurance,. so I know only about the Virginia companies. However, if you are willing to join AARP ($16 a year), they have an agreement with United Health Care for Plan F and have a lower rate than any other Plan F that can be purchased in VA. I have friends who use this plan, and they are very pleased with it and the way they are treated by United Health Care. My brokers told me that my choice should be between getting Plan F through AARP or using Blue Cross/Blue Shield but that the latter would cost a bit more. I have a history with BC/BS and trust them, so I went with them. We once had United Health Care through work one year, and it was terrible--always slow to process claims and then trying to get out of paying. I had to involve the state Bureau of Insurance at one point. However, we are a group of fewer than 275 and AARP has thousands of members, and United treats them right. Friends who have retired and were wary now love United. You will also need to get a drug card--again the companies offering them vary from state to state. BC/BS has them in VA, and that's who I went with, with the blessings of the broker. Things do add up for sure, and one has to be very careful about every aspect of Medicare and Social Security. Your payments for Medicare Part B will be deducted from your benefit payments from Social Security. (Other Plans other than F are less expensive as far as the premium goes, but you will pay more for doctor visits and hospital care under them--more than the additional premium amount will cost.)

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By luvmy8catz on Apr 5, 2015 at 10:25 AM

Happy Easter to you! I hope it is as beautiful there as it is here, we have had some warm sunny days most of the week. I got my garden plowed yesterday and hope the weather stays good so I can get something planted..can't wait. The birds here have started nesting and I swear I think the same robin comes back every year to my back yard, she is not afraid of me and walks close me when I am in the garden eating worms I dig up. Have a great day!

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By luvmy8catz on Mar 29, 2015 at 6:33 PM

I know exactly how you feel, snowing here Friday morning and was 25 last night. Last year I had some tomatoes started but looks like I might have to resort to the Farmers Market. It has rained and snowed so much the ground is too wet to break up also. I also put food out for the strays and it is always empty every morning.

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By luvmy8catz on Mar 7, 2015 at 2:26 PM

I really hope the snow is over, we had ice Thurs. which is worse than snow. When are you expecting the Spring thaw :) I got my pipes thawed out the same day they froze, a friend came over and used a blow torch on them. I can't wait to get them mater plants in the ground along with all the veggies yum yum it will be salad every day for me! I don't think I will complain about the heat in July and august ever again!

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By luvmy8catz on Feb 22, 2015 at 4:54 PM

No prob about the birthday, I am terrible remembering them. Today was nice but going to get a wintery mix Tues. I think of you every time I see a weather report from up your way, maybe you will get a break soon.

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By luvmy8catz on Feb 20, 2015 at 6:10 AM

Got up this morning and for the first time this year some of my pipes are frozen, It was 6 last night with a wind chill of well below fun at all. I can't wait for Spring to get here!

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By luvmy8catz on Feb 17, 2015 at 6:55 PM

I think I have changed my mind about the all melted and we have an alert for black ice. It don't get as cold here as where you are but it's too cold for me 16 degrees right now. I went to the river to feed the cats today and they were waiting and hungry. Hope you have some better weather soon!

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By luvmy8catz on Feb 16, 2015 at 6:19 PM

It started snowing beautiful white fluffy stuff here around 6:00 this afternoon but sadly is supposed to turn into ice before morning. You have really been having a time of it where you live, luckily we don't have it often and when we do it doesn't last long.

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By luvmy8catz on Feb 14, 2015 at 5:39 PM

Not doing much here, some wind, light snow and very cold. You seem to be getting the brunt of the storm, hope it don't snow you in! e rarely get snow. The ice is what I hate..would love some soft fluffy snow.

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By 1TeamKSO on Feb 7, 2015 at 9:50 AM

From Sylviag and Chris10a. Let's chase away the winter blues and mountains of snow and have some happy dansen fun!

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By Sylviag on Feb 6, 2015 at 8:51 AM

Oh what a sweet story and a great way to start your love affair with cats. It would be so hard not to live with one after having shared a home with them all my life

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By Sylviag on Feb 4, 2015 at 5:22 PM

Finishing our Black Friday convo from here as once a profile event is over I often don't make it into the profile but every other day or so. How is the weather situaton there now? Did you get some lcearing after the last blast? Oh, that is too bad your mom had a fear of both. I have had a couple of friends in my life who were very antsy around cats. When they would visit I would put our furbabehs in a back bedroom. Loving them as much as I do, had for me to understand. What led you to get that very first cat?

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By violetD on Feb 1, 2015 at 10:39 AM seems like you got him a few months time flies! Oh dear...more weather crap for you? I noticed yesterday that all our snow had finally melted except for the huge piles everywhere. I woke up this morning to a new inch of snow and it was still snowing. We're at 2" now...still comin' down but s'posed to taper off this afternoon. I hope so...I'm heading out of town to my Daddy's for dinner. At the very least I hope the highway is plowed and sanded. It's certainly nothing like a noreaster...just a reminder that winter is not done...and is awlsew yuk,like yoo sed. ;) Say it wif me nao..." I AM A TUFF OLD BROAD!!! :D

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By violetD on Feb 1, 2015 at 7:32 AM

I certainly will!! Yours is an excellent idea too.and for those of us ladies who can't afford a fall in the winter I recommend a cane with pokey things on the bottom...not because you need it but because it can prevent a nasty fall. Hey how is your new big baby Tiger doing?! Such a gorgeous boy!! You really take putting on an extra cat in the winter, seriously dontcha?!

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By Black_Friday on Feb 1, 2015 at 7:21 AM

"raiding" :)

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By Black_Friday on Feb 1, 2015 at 7:21 AM

From Sylviag. Had fun rainding your LOL closet :) Especiallyhapy to find a Basement Cat.

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By Black_Friday on Feb 1, 2015 at 7:13 AM

Did you go to Chezburger Day a few years ago? We could have met as hubs and I went:) I wish they would have had that again. FInding some great black kittehs in your stuff. WIll go bal to page 10 and anything earlier you are more than welcome to send.

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By Black_Friday on Feb 1, 2015 at 7:07 AM

From Sylviag. Thanks much for accepting :) We have been blessed with one black kitty, an elder we adopted when our DIL passed a couple of years ago. hasta unfortunately passed last year at around 19 years of age. We have had so many cas in our 35+ years together of every shape, size, fur, but a black one neer "hapened" to us which is how we got most all our kittehs. This profile is open year round for sendig us old and new black and white kitty LOLs. I'll rummage in your profile for the first 10 or so pages and pick any up.

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By Sylviag on Jan 29, 2015 at 5:07 PM

Yeah, and the Midwest turned into FLin the winter for a few days ther with temps pushing 70s. LOL Good to hear, don't need you to fall. I've seen a little blurb once on TV where some people wear these ice crampons over their shoes to walk :) I see my msg to you from 1FPS helped. If you have any problems this weekend doing that, just give me a holler.

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By the-first-fps on Jan 29, 2015 at 9:59 AM

From Sylviag. When you open up one of your LOLs, depending on your web browesr, at the top will be the area where you can type in search words to search the internet. When you have an LOL open, the "URL" for the LOL will show as this in that line: What you want to do is highlight it, then "copy" it, go to this profile (or anywhere you want to send it), in the message box, "paste" it and then I can highlight it, open it and fave it. Does that help. If not, let's talk on my profie and I can walk you through it.

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