doom75's Favorites



Emily And Her Mom Need To Have A Talk

Frosty And Frigid, Just Like Her Affections!

Pick One And Stick With It

I always suspected Mom was trying to poison me

(After taking a bite of dinner) Me: This tastes funny. Mom: The bottle said the poison was supp...

Kids these days--they just don't know how to have fun!

Me: so my friends and I decided that for senior ditch day we wanted to go visit a couple museums....

Moozoo101's Grandmother Ponders the Return Policy

Me: Where were you when my water broke, mom? Mom: You were a planned C-section. Dad: Yeah they ...

Trust me, that's not what the kids are watching

Me, coming home to find my mom watching 2 girls 1 cup: Mom! WTF?!?! My Mom: I just wanted to see...

It's time we had a discussion about the meaning of Christmas...

(While driving somewhere with my 5 year old sister) Me: Hey, look! The police are coming for y...

Dad is not sensitive to your sexual frustration

(my dad called to wish me a happy birthday) dad: Happy birthday! Do you have a boyfriend yet? ...

Never thought I'd feel violated by the cat

No matter how relaxed you may be, NEVER lie down after taking a long hot shower. Your cat might w...

Signinja's Wife Proves it in Her Own Way

(My wife and I going to the hospital while she's in labor.) Me: Excuse me, my wife is in labor. ...

Learn From My Fail: No, the Sign's Not About Me

There is a station on the Brussels Metro called "Kunst Wet." If you are female do not let people ...

Literal Boytoy

My girlfriend gave me a blow-up doll as a fun birthday present. I have tried it and I found the s...

Always good for some nice, wholesome family fun

Don't ever wear your hipster-plaid shirt with the poppers if you plan on seeing your 14-month-old...

Shadow Pron


Schrodinger's (or possibly Sheldon's) Cat

Obligations, Always Obligations...

Mom: (to my Dad) Honey, will you get me a glass of water? Dad: (looks at me) Get her a glass of ...

Brownie For One!

It's Not Gonna Make Itself

I mean, I was just wondering...

The correct way to learn about hosting conference calls on the day after mandatory sexual harassm...

Getting that Kitteh Action

Me: Mum, can I use the tuna in the fridge? Dad: What are you going to use it for? Me: (sarcasti...

Share This Post: Government Is The Worst

I don't want to live on this planet anymore. I really don't.




Camping Under the Milky Way