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By TuuttiKuutamo on Feb 18, 2011 at 1:02 AM

O hai! My week has been interesting IRL, I visited the Spy Museum yesterday :) In the intertubez no so much has happened, my kitty blog has been a bit quiet lately :/ How about your week?

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By JadedCat on Feb 17, 2011 at 8:24 PM

Thank you for the Troll Science collectible! I haven't been able to visit Cheezburger lately, so it's a nice surprise!

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By psom on Feb 17, 2011 at 12:05 PM

Well howdy neighbor! Kittehs and I are in North Hollywood. I will check to see if you need something when I get doubles. Feel free to caption the girls if inspiration strikes.

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By KnittinKitty on Feb 16, 2011 at 1:32 PM

awwww! thansk the hart! I looked at your page and I'd give you my lifting weights but it won't let me. I think you have all the other things I have :( If you see something I can give you let me know 'cuz I don't usually pay attention to these - life's kinda busy these days. feelin' the love though! -knittinkitty

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By christkitty on Feb 16, 2011 at 9:35 AM

OMG the Teddy Bear :) Thank you sooooo much!! HUGS :)

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By roastpotato on Feb 14, 2011 at 6:28 PM

Happy Valentines Day! :-D I love that your two kittehs are so different in temperament as well as looks, thats so funny and sweet! My Socks was what i called a 'simple soul' (ie hardly a brain cell in her pretty little head!) but with an excess of cute n cuddly :) and Bella is really smart like Athena, she can get out of the cat carrier i used to use, and she will play fetch - in a cat way and when she feels like it of course though :) Your darling foster cat - will he be able to be re-homed with his medical history (Kitteh cardiologist - oh YEAH!) or might he end up staying with you ...? My flat - i totally adore it but unfortunately i just rent, theres no way i could afford to buy a flat in central London! Thats because im sort of a social worker (without the qualification) and i manage a small team of people and we support adults with different problems and (in a nutshell) help them to get themselves sorted out and stay off the street. Its not well paid! I used to love my job, but i very much dont any more unfortunately so im thinking of training (evening classes) to be a teacher (of adults), i just need to get off my bum and do it!!!! It'll take years and isnt so simple as you have to get qualification and experience too, and id have to do that at the same time as being in a full time job .... Im not up to it and shouldnt make any decisions though at the moment as im very much struggling with having lost my Dad 6 months ago (it would have been his birthday yesterday). Oh dear, there's me again with the sharing - feeling the need obviously! Was out last night with two of my best friends so we raised a glass (or few) to those departed and ive a bit of a bad head today! :) Your job is groovy (and simple to explain with your job title, unlike mine!), are you very musical and creative then? Nice that you have a Lawyer (that's what you call them in USA? Here we have Solicitors and Barristers) boyfriend - good one girl!

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By MissGrumpy on Feb 14, 2011 at 12:47 PM

YAAAY, thank you so much for the candy heart! ^^ I was hoping to find one today, but those Valentine's Day collectibles seem to be avoiding me :D I'll definitely keep an eye out for the ones you need! Happy Valentine's Day :)

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By Kitty_Lover854 on Feb 14, 2011 at 11:54 AM

Thanks again for the collectible, I hope you have a Happy Valentines day! :)

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By kittydoc on Feb 13, 2011 at 8:28 PM

You are very welcome! I WISH I was a kitteh who was a doctor! It would mean I was fluffy, cute and famous and probably have my own Youtube channel like Maru! :D

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By Kitty_Lover854 on Feb 13, 2011 at 12:10 PM

That was nice of you. :) Thanks for the laptop! I've been stuck getting Hooman Beds for the past 4 days! Count em', FOUR DAYS! If any of my collectibles catches your eye tell me and I'll happily send it over. :)

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By roastpotato on Feb 12, 2011 at 5:13 PM

I have to say that it's most rescue places that won't let me home a cat and I guess it's because the cats they get in have been used to going out. They could though have an 'indoor cat' department, but i guess they don't get many of those in for re-homing. The one rescue place that is happy for me to home their cats say that they get very few indoor only cats and there's already a long waiting list for them (old Ladies apparently and also of course other peep like me), and each time i've not wanted to wait! I would have waited though of course had i not found my kittehs in other ways, through friends of friends :) I live in a tiny flat (fine), on my own (extatic), and work long hours (boo hoo!)so can't really foster (boo hoo!). It's soo great that you do that, hard work and hartache i bet - but you get to help so many kittehs in such a major way which is awsome :)

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By roastpotato on Feb 12, 2011 at 4:53 PM

Hi, I'm sorry to hear you were sick :/ I know what you mean, I also have to be quite together to deal with anything more than the fluffy kittens! :) Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words, about Socks especially <3 It's really nice to hear about your two kittehs backgrounds, and you were very good to persevere and take home Hermes as he was so shy :) Were he and his couzin feral, wild cats maybe? Many years ago I homed two tiny feral brother kittens who were extremely shy and timid, but grew up into healthy and 1 big and very confident and 1 scared of his own shadow cats!! Do you get feral cats there? Maybe they don't survive long from what you've said! :(

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By MissGrumpy on Feb 11, 2011 at 11:52 AM

Haha thanks :D when I saw that picture in the "Make-a-LOL" section I laughed sooo hard. ^^ I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

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By MissGrumpy on Feb 11, 2011 at 10:19 AM

Thanks :D I'm having a great day so far! Can't wait for the weekend though ^^ how bout you? Oh, and thanks for faving my "goldpfif" lol :)

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By MissGrumpy on Feb 10, 2011 at 2:39 PM

Ohai! Fankew fer teh fwend rekwest ^^

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By roastpotato on Feb 9, 2011 at 4:21 PM

Bella is a pedigree Manx (no tail) and the breeder no longer wanted her at her age of 2, so gave her away. Yes, not a rescue situation as such, just unwanted, but afer my trauma with Socks and poor Patsy running off i wanted a cat who i knew the full history of, no surprises, and to be honest a bit younger too because of Socks illness, so i thought of this. I cant actually have cats from the usual rescue places, though i have tried ALL of them, more than once, because I dont have full access to outside and live between two main roads, etc etc. Bloody rediculous!!!! Still, i managed to get two cats that were in real trouble who needed new homes and one unwanted one, and no rescue place had to go through the expence of rehoming them :|

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By roastpotato on Feb 9, 2011 at 4:07 PM

Sorry, i obviously needed to share - thanks for 'listening'! Patsy needed a new home because she'd been living on top of a kitchen cabinet for 3 years, avoiding the owners grandkids, visitors, dogs, etc, and only coming down to eat etc, poor thing, and she's a big cat too! They said she was happy not going out so i took her. I can let my cat out but only when i'm home as it's via my kitchen window which is rather difficukt to open and close etc. But when she got to me and had relaxed after her previous place, settled down etc, she was obviously DESPERATE to go out all the time. She was happy with me and obviously so much better than her last place but i quickly found somwhere new for her that had proper access to outside. Her new people did nothing wrong, but on her second time allowed out she didnt come home, and that was 8 months ago now :( She was lovely, so graceful and her affection was very much on her terms :) she had a big thing about paper bags, bless her, i was forever asking for them in shops instead of the plastic carrier bags :) and she would always sit and watch me which I loved, for such an indipendant soul she liked to be with me, which is a real complement :) i hope that she's living the wild life somwhere and being fed by several different people!

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By roastpotato on Feb 9, 2011 at 3:53 PM

My Socks was a total angel and just awesome, and I loved her so much. She got a nasty cancer though when i'd only had her for 2 years but i have very good insurance which paid out £7500 and then i borrowed a couple of thousand more for tests, one operation and chemotherapy over a year. That sounds awful but there wasnt that much treatment (the chemo was just tablets and the tests mostly just a trip up the road to my lovely local vet) and she was completely well and very happy, no pain or side effects or anyting until the last two weeks when she wasnt eating and then she became ill very suddenly. Sooo traumatic, truly awful. She came to me from a home where she'd been attacked by two dogs and was very very nervous of everything, but she really settled down with me and my home is very quiet so she was very happy with me and it was a privelage for me to have her with me.

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By jdr962 on Feb 8, 2011 at 1:05 PM

was wandering if u could spare a karot? I need one to complete my noms

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By roastpotato on Feb 6, 2011 at 12:56 PM

Staple remover - *giggle*, such a good pic! My Socks used to pose for the camera like your Athena does, except she did 'cute' :) and Patsy did the 50's pin up thing in her elegant way :) I've had Bella for 6 months now, and i'm so lucky as she is really cuddly and lovely, is on my lap as i'm typing this :) she is just 2 and a half, the others were 8 and 6 years old. I see you posted on the blog about the Trollings, goodo-o. Unfortunately someone was being kind and generous (and hadn't read my updated profile) and sent me one BOO HOO! so now i have to collect them all :(

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