The latest from ladonnalombardi77

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Cyoot Puppeh ob teh Day: Sumday I Will Be Strong

Cyoot Puppeh ob teh Day: Sumday I Will Be Strong
ladonnalombardi77 ladonnalombardi77 favorited a lol

Goggie Gif: Take Me For a Swim

Goggie Gif: Take Me For a Swim
ladonnalombardi77 ladonnalombardi77 favorited a lol

Goggie Gif: Do A Little Dance

Goggie Gif: Do A Little Dance
ladonnalombardi77 ladonnalombardi77 favorited a lol

Goggie Gif: Mai Legs Can't Reeeeach!

Goggie Gif: Mai Legs Can't Reeeeach!
ladonnalombardi77 ladonnalombardi77 favorited a lol


ladonnalombardi77 ladonnalombardi77 favorited a lol

I'll bet the cat taught you that!

I'll bet the cat taught you that!
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ladonnalombardi77 ladonnalombardi77 favorited a lol

Secret Weapon WIN

Secret Weapon WIN
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Hortonator's Dad Has That... You Know That One Thing...

Mum: we're running like a well oiled... oiled?.. oiled, engine? Me: a well oiled machine. Mum: I knew that, I just couldn't think of the word. I think I have early onset... dalmation? Me: Dementia. *Facepalm*
ladonnalombardi77 ladonnalombardi77 favorited something

Food, Bedding, They're Both Essentials at Least

My Grandpa (As we walk into the furniture store): "Excuse me, do you have any croutons?" Salesman: "A what?" My Grandma: "No, no....he means a fruiton!" Salesman: "Ummm..." Me: "We're looking for a futon..." Salesman: "Oh! That's right over here..."
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Maria's Mom Lives in Fear of the Feline

Mom talking about my bossy aunt: She's learned that she's not in charge in this house. There's only one person in charge around here, and that's the cat.
ladonnalombardi77 ladonnalombardi77 favorited something

Sans' Dad is Still Going Through With the Paternity Test

*upon learning that I like country music* Dad: *makes a cross with his fingers* You are no child of mine. Me: Hey, you're the one who told me we hail from a long line of rednecks. Dad:....Ok, I guess it IS in your blood. You can be my daughter again.
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Abby's Dad is Winning the Arms Race

My dad, after killing a cockroach: "The worst kind of roach is a COMMUNIST roach."
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Jack's Dad is More Familiar with the Original Source Material, Thank You

Me, playing Angry Birds: Dad, have you ever played Angry Birds? Dad: No, but I've seen the movie. Me: What movie? Dad: You know, the one by Alfred Hitchcock. Me: That's "The Birds" Dad: Yeah, but those birds were angry.
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Sarah's Dad Nearly Hit an Appalachian Jumping Oak

Driving in the car Me: Remember that one time you crashed into the tree? Dad: I didn't crash into the tree, that tree was suicidal and jumped into the road.


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