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By robinrescues on Feb 22, 2011 at 7:45 PM

PAGE 2: :nods: I will be very glad if they put the MeMe base collectibles on another page, or in a separate tab or something. I don't really see the humor in a lot of the MeMe base pages, so that's probably why the collectibles hold little appeal to me. I didn't like the Trolling set at all. The Hipster set was OK, but it's also not something I particularly liked either. ~ Here the snow is slowly melting, so it looks like spring is on the way. Our old house used to have a rock garden out front, but here the former owner seemed to be quite the landscaper. I think I'm going to leave most of her landscaping as-is, although I'm a little worried I will be able to do as good a job as she did. I do want to set up my birdfeeder and birdbath in the back yard, I'm just not exactly sure where yet. As much as I have loved winter, at this point I am looking forward to spring. I want to enjoy my deck, and the creek out back, and I want to see everything turn green and come back to life again. ~ I like hearing about where other people live as well. I don't travel much, so it's sort of my 'window to the world'. :) I like the area we live in now. Living in the city was OK when we first moved here, but I like where we are now much better. I'm half-way between Kitty Corner and my best friend's house, and and about 5 minutes away from a main street with banks, stores, etc, so it's a great location. ~ Wishing you a good week. You and Bella take care, ~MelB

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By inspiredbychaos on Feb 21, 2011 at 7:34 PM

O hai!!! Thank you for the phonograph. :) Hope you and Bella had a great weekend! So glad she can keep you company while you type! I was in Arizona this weekend visiting my grandparents. Today (Monday) is President's Day here in the US and a lot of us get the day off from work. You are correct! The MBA is a graduate degree for business. I'm hoping to move more into marketing and the business side of the game industry post-degree. If we move to Austin, we'll take the cats in the cabin of the plane. We've been doing a lot of research to try and figure out how to reduce their stress during the move. That's crazy that the airplane carrier is the only one that Bella can escape from! I can picture her going to visit the other passengers during a flight. ;) Our foster is pretty darn adorable. I'll post pics of him soon!! That's interesting how adoption works in the UK... some places here are similar to that but many local organizations (as opposed to nationwide) have adoption events at pet stores and such. Aw poor Socks sounds like a kindred spirit to my foster. She must have been such a sweet girl. I am glad you could have time together and I'm sure she was so happy to spend her life with you. Thanks for the good thoughts about my bf! It's rough but he's been finding good ways to keep busy while job hunting. Hopefully he'll find something soon! Hope your week is off to a great start. <3

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By Brian0517 on Feb 21, 2011 at 7:03 PM

thank you so much allison :D, if there is anything tha u need?

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By FathomsDown on Feb 19, 2011 at 3:53 PM

Ooh, thank you muchly for my phonograph.

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By FathomsDown on Feb 19, 2011 at 3:46 PM

Hello my dear! Teddy incomming! Toodle pip!

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By robinrescues on Feb 19, 2011 at 11:36 AM

You seem to be lacking in some facial hair, m'dear ... hmmm, I think I can help you out with that :D *giggles* seriously, I just sent you an Ironic Mustache to complete your Hipster Set. Yay! I hope it makes you smile! This is my way of thanking you for gifting me with the Invisible Trophy when I was looking one for earlier. The IT went to my hubby CaptnQ, who then gave it to his pal 2katmom to thank her for the Stethoscope she gifted him. So I was very grateful to have it, and to give it to someone who needed it. Thanks again. ~ I hope you are having a great weekend. Take care, MelB

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By kittydoc on Feb 19, 2011 at 9:27 AM

Hurray for the turkey! I am very happy now--way more than I should be about a computer graphic. ;) Now I can just keep up with friends and lolz. This one begged to be made last night. I'm biased but my goggy is so cute. Hope you have a GREAT weekend!

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By slothcat on Feb 18, 2011 at 5:29 PM

Hi new cheez friend! This is my avatar pic: Let me know if you want to make any trades!

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By Brian0517 on Feb 17, 2011 at 2:22 PM

hello roast potatoo!! thank you thank you :D for the candy heart, do you know where to get the new''Hipster Kitty's Underground'' collectibles?

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By Brian0517 on Feb 16, 2011 at 2:23 PM

thank you :D ,oh sorry.. i didnt saw your message asking for the U jelly? :P cause i was a little busy, but if there is anything that u need?

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By inspiredbychaos on Feb 15, 2011 at 2:29 PM

So sorry to hear about your dad. ::hugs:: His birthday must have been rough for you especially as a reminder that he's not here anymore. Toasting to his memory sounds like a nice way to remember him on his birthday. I bet Socks and Hermes would have gotten along well. That's so sweet that Bella plays kitty fetch!! :) We are seriously thinking of adopting our foster cat since it's been hard to find a new home for him. He loves to snuggle and play with our cats and has really done his best to make himself part of our clan. Plus he's become my boyfriend's naptime buddy and he sleeps on my pillow at night... he's super adorable and looks like a toy, plus he's got a really winning personality. (He does get quite nervous around strangers though! I tried to show him at an adoption event once and it was not fun for either of us.) So yeah we're thinking we will probably keep him but we may be moving soon (I'm going to get my MBA in the fall so it depends on the school I end up going to) and we have to make sure his heart is ok for potentially being moved via airplane. I wish they paid people who do what you do more... you have a very important job and I bet you have touched many lives! I also think that teachers are much needed and vital. My mom taught elementary school for several years and the potential to make a difference in that profession is huge! Plus it sounds like your experience with social work would be a great background for going into teaching. Best of luck figuring out the timing... sounds like a very worthy endeavor once you are ready! My job is pretty creative, these days I do a lot more project management/operations than editing but I like it that way. While we don't do a whole lot of music here, everyone on staff knows how to play at least 1 instrument... we joke about starting a band. :) We do call people who practice law Lawyers here. I never thought I'd be dating one, but a friend set us up 3 and some odd years ago and we really hit it off. He passed the BAR in November and now he's looking for his first out-of-school job... the economy's made things a bit difficult for everyone, even lawyers. :P Hope you had a great Valentine's Day!

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By FathomsDown on Feb 15, 2011 at 3:32 AM

Hai. Happy V-Day to you! Hope you had a good one with loads of cards, empty calories and flowery bits! Are you collecting the Hipster Cat collectibles? Let me know if you need those or anything else. I'm still on the look out for a Reflex Hammer, Corm and Turkey. Take care.

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By Brian0517 on Feb 14, 2011 at 4:24 PM

Happy valentine's day! :D

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By robinrescues on Feb 14, 2011 at 1:12 PM

Ohai RP! Happy Valentine's Day! *hugs* MelB

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By inspiredbychaos on Feb 14, 2011 at 11:19 AM

Hai! Hope u and Bella had a great weekend. I'm not sure if Hermes and his cousin were feral. His foster mom probably would have mentioned if he acted more feral when she first got him, but maybe he was just easily domesticated. :) He's not the brightest cat but he's really wacky and adorable! Athena on the other hand is super smart... she doesn't go for out-of-sight-out-of-mind when you try to hide something she wants! We do get feral cats here and some of the people at my rescue org feed them in places where they congregate... but I do think they don't live nearly as long as kitties who get to live indoors. That's funny how the list for indoor cats at the rescue group by you is mostly old ladies. Makes sense though if most cats in your area are used to going outside, it'd be hard to keep them indoors all the time! I don't blame you for not wanting to wait on the list, and it's great that you still find kitties to help give a loving home to. Congrats on having your own place! That's really cool and I know that housing in London can be expensive!! Even more than here in LA... what do you do for a living? I work some long hours too as a video game sound editor, but the overtime comes in waves which is nice. So far Scott and I have fostered 2 cats, one of which we still have since he had a hole in his heart when we first got him and nearly died (!). It was really scary but he's all better now thanks to the help of a kitty cardiologist, and as he's grown the hole in his heart has shrunk to a point where he's pretty much a normal cat. Fostering has been a great experience, but it definitely helps that my boyfriend (we live together) was in law school when we started and then was preparing for the BAR exam, so he had time during the day to help with vet appts and such. I couldn't have fostered without his help!! Hope your Monday went ok!

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By robinrescues on Feb 12, 2011 at 8:05 PM

WOAH! you got the complete Trolling set? I thought you didn't want any of those? Aw, I wish I had known you wanted them, I could have sent you my extras. Thanks again for the extra collectible, and do let me know if you ever need any of my extras.

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By robinrescues on Feb 12, 2011 at 8:04 PM

Ohai RP! I hope you are having a wonderful Caturday! ~ Actually the snow here isn't quite as bad as where we were 2 houses ago. We used to live in Hamburg NY, two blocks away from Lake Erie. It was great fun at the beach for 3 seasons of the year, but in the winter you were literally shoveling your roof to keep it from collapsing. I'm grateful to have Rob to do that part of the home upkeep, as I wouldn't have been able to do it myself. At least here we have a snow blower, but that still doesn't help much with the mountain the plows leave at the end of your driveway. ~ London sounds lovely. Have you lived there all your life? I grew up in Wheatfield (waaayyyy out in the country, the 'town' literally was a Wheatfield!), slowly moving into the suburbs, then into Buffalo where I met Rob at college, and finally we got married and moved south of the city into Hamburg. After all my family passed away, I had no more reason to stay in the area and we moved here to be with Rob's family. For the most part I like it here, although I haven't really met our new neighbors yet beyond a wave while we were shoveling/plowing outside. It will probably have to wait until spring before we get chatty. ~ I am grateful Tigger got to enjoy this new home, even if it was only for 6 weeks, before he crossed over. At least I get to remember him here, and he did so love the heat vents on the floor! Seeing him a curled up and toasty warm there will be a memory I cherish. :) ~ I know what you mean about feeling more relaxed about the collectibles once you've got all the retired ones. I was so grateful when I got the thermometer, I literally had just got to the point where I was going to give up, and then unexpectedly I got it. Now I'm trying to trade off my current collectibles for the older ones, as I'm finding I have some new cheezpals who are so new they don't have any of the holiday ones. So it's nice to pass them along. ~ Well dear friend, take care and enjoy your Caturday with Bella! *hugs* MelB

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By Brian0517 on Feb 11, 2011 at 12:35 PM

hello roast potato! yeah sure, i sent you a Troll Science colectible tomorrow ill send the u jelly? colectible :P

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By inspiredbychaos on Feb 11, 2011 at 11:31 AM

We adopted Hermes from the same rescue org that we foster for. He was found back behind a megamart near the box compactor (!) with his "cousin" (they think it was his half-brother from another litter). He was so shy when we went to visit him at the foster's house! He kept sneaking closer and closer to us very slowly but staying out of reach. Eventually his foster mom gave us some vegetarian ham and we fed it to him and Hermes became our friend. :) We've had Hermes for 2 years and Athena for almost 2.5. He's 2.5 years old and she is almost 3!

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By inspiredbychaos on Feb 11, 2011 at 10:56 AM

(Wish they'd put a counter on the messages!) To continue, Patsy sounds sweet... one of the cats I had as a kid loved paper bags and she was always so funny! I hope she is living it up in the wild- she sounds sweet and smart so I bet she's figured out how to make it out there. Sounds like you have a gift with the shy traumatized kitties! Bella is lucky to have such a good home with you. That's interesting that you have to have full access to outside to adopt from a rescue in the UK... in LA outside cats don't make it long between traffic or coyotes (if you live in a less trafficky part) so the org I foster for won't let people adopt from them if they will let the cat outside. Taking in cats who are in trouble and/or unwanted is equally noble as adopting from a shelter. Plus you are helping save space at the shelters for more kitties in need! My Athena was found by a friend of a friend trapped under a laundry basket on the sidewalk in the summer heat. She's obviously been a domestic cat before- she knew all about people food when I took her in!

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