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By inspiredbychaos on Feb 11, 2011 at 10:51 AM

O hai Roastpotato! Sorry for the delayed response. I am happy to "listen" to you anytime! I've been sick and am now feeling better and ready to write a good response! :) Socks sounds like she was an amazing kitty. I am so sorry that you and she had to go through so much pain but am glad to hear her life was happy for the bulk of it and that she could bring you so much joy while you had time together. I can't imagine going what you went through... one of my childhood cats had to be put to sleep and that was upsetting so I'm sure what you went through was really hard. At least you and Socks got to spend a great couple years together and she knew she was loved in her last days. :)

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By FathomsDown on Feb 10, 2011 at 2:10 PM

Hello! Thank you for my kitteh bed, consider my hat well and truely doffed in your direction! I've sent you a Problem? and I'll send the other one tomorrow for your friend. A stapler would be most handy as thats one of the last items I need. Take care. Toodle pip! :-)

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By kittydoc on Feb 10, 2011 at 9:45 AM

I sent you a Problem? so it's all over for you now. They are still awful, but at least they are awful in color.

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By ljlh1962 on Feb 10, 2011 at 5:42 AM

Hai Fren, How iz you? I no like dem ugly colicktables either, but I hate empty spots too...was a dilema, but got all them and not going back to get more

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By inspiredbychaos on Feb 8, 2011 at 8:29 PM

Oh noes! That is too bad that someone gifted you a trolling collectible. Looks like you are well on your way to a complete set tho now that it's been forced on you. :P Socks sounds like she was a super sweetheart! Patsy sounds like fun... where is she now? Bella sounds amazing and I love thinking of how cuddly she is while you are typing! Athena is about her age. She can be quite cuddly but it's definitely on her own terms. ;)

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By starrluv on Feb 8, 2011 at 7:40 PM

Hey! Sorry I didn't get back to you. I was tired and only got on here for my collectible yesterday. Glad you figured it out.

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By Brian0517 on Feb 8, 2011 at 1:54 PM

:D thanks im gointo upload more lolz of my kittens. and whats your real name? :P

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By LumiLumi on Feb 8, 2011 at 5:22 AM

Thx for the compliments! Samira and Tiny are sister and brother and will turn 2 years old in July. They are just ordinary mackerel tabby European Shorthair, but indeed they have some Bengal-blood. Their great-grandmother is a full blood Bengal and we think they have have quite some Bengal characteristics. They are very active, playful, even like water and are quite talkative. Tiny has an opinion about everything! :)

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By grifball on Feb 7, 2011 at 3:21 AM

hey sorry bout that! will continue to give you my spares, just got another one today which i will send over

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By Brian0517 on Feb 6, 2011 at 4:00 PM

hello potato! :D thats my kitten, her name is sora from my avatar pic :P and why you hate the trolling collectibles? xD if u visit memebase you'll earn a trolling collectible :P

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By LumiLumi on Feb 6, 2011 at 11:34 AM

I posted some pics of our two stripies. Thanks for the reminder! :)

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By Brian0517 on Feb 5, 2011 at 6:57 PM

hello potato :D thanks for the nice message, i finally got a turkey!! a friend sent me a spare one :P im seding you a charts collectible :D

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By robinrescues on Feb 5, 2011 at 6:37 PM

Ohai RP, how are things out your way? Here we're dealing with a lot of SNOW! We had the power knocked out for a few hours, they got it going again pretty quickly but it still got pretty cold in the house. We also lost our phone & internet for a little over a day. It's been tough because you've got to stay on top of getting the snow out of the driveway, otherwise you'll wind up shoveling off enough snow from the top so you can use your snow blower. and of course, right after you clear the driveway and take a nice long hot shower, the plows come by like clockwork to bury the end of your driveway in a mountain of snow! I envy the folks who have snow plowing contracts right about now. ~ For the moment, Tigger's ashes are on my desk. We just moved into this house right before Christmas, in the middle of a snowstorm no less. So once we get our living room set up, his ashes and photos will go on the sideboard behind the couch, with photos of the rest of our family (both human and feline) who are in spirit. It's my "remembrance table". Having it there helps me remember that death is a change but not an ending, and that the bonds of love are eternal. ~ Otherwise, I just keep trying to hang in there. Some days are better then others. This has been the first good day in a few days, actually. I keep trying though, and it will get better with time. ~ take care! *hugs * MelB

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By inspiredbychaos on Feb 5, 2011 at 5:40 PM

Thanks! Yes, Athena is a very pretty girl and totally knows it. When I try to take her picture she often starts posing like a 1950's pinup girl. :) That is indeed a cherry Hermes is about to spear. He's got a mouth like a staple remover... his upper fangs stick out even when he's got his mouth closed so he's our little vampire cat. How long have you had Bella? She's got such a beautiful, expressive face- I love the pic of her in the flowerpot!!

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By FathomsDown on Feb 5, 2011 at 5:36 PM

*laugh* Well, they are pretty manky but the way I look at it, they're not going to remove them anytime soon as they are trying to drive traffic to other parts of the site. Anyway, if we were talking childish you could always set up a "Remove the Memebase collectibles" FB group! ;-)

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By FathomsDown on Feb 5, 2011 at 4:30 PM

They are pretty ugly and I'm not sure what they were thinking. You can get the collectibles by visiting any of the Memebase sites and as I read Very Demotivational from time to time, I got mine from there. Those posters remind me of the silly ones we used to have at work.

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By inspiredbychaos on Feb 5, 2011 at 1:38 PM

Aaaah your Bella is super adorable! Patsy is also cute and Socks looked like she was a sweetheart. <3 I posted a few pics of my cats- Hermes as you know is the skinny black panther and Athena is the fluffy white one with tabby spots. I'll probably post some of our foster boy Apollo (who looks like Athena but with shorter hair) soon!

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By kittydoc on Feb 5, 2011 at 8:36 AM

Isn't the trolling set bad?! Don't know why I'm collecting it except for some latent OCD. Wish we could hide it.

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By inspiredbychaos on Feb 3, 2011 at 5:06 PM

Aw yay! Glad u like the pic. Do u have any pics of Bella handy? A Gumbie cat is the awesome type of cat described in "The Old Gumbie Cat" by T.S. Eliot ( It's from the Book of Practical Cats that later became the lyrics to the musical Cats. :)

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By inspiredbychaos on Feb 3, 2011 at 11:09 AM

I changed my profile pic so you and Bella can see my Hermes photobombing a pic of my other cat, Athena. :) I volunteer for a cat rescue org here in LA and they do have a harder time adopting out black cats. They won't let anyone adopt a black or mostly black cat in October b/c of crazy people, but then they have a special adoption event in November where they only show black cats that need homes. :) I love having a black cat and don't understand why people don't want to adopt them either!

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