Girl Takes her Parents to 'Karen's Diner' Without Warning Them the Staff is Meant to be Obnoxiously Rude


We are all familiar with the concept of a ‘Karen’ by now, right? If you've been living under a rock we can try to refresh your memory by taking this definition from Urban Dictionary:

A middle-woman, typically blonde, makes solutions to others' problems an inconvenience to her although she isn't even remotely affected.


Karen sues the local city council after they installed a new STOP sign that hides the sun from her window for two minutes a day. The sign was installed after a schoolboy on his bicycle was hit by a speeding driver and died


Karen refuses to wear a face mask for her 5 minute trip to the supermarket during a pandemic. She harasses the workers, asks to see the manager and threatens to sue. 


Karen complains that her favorite parking spot was replaced by a ramp for wheelchairs. She parks her car in the old spot anyway and shoots a vlog about it.


Got the picture yet? Well, the concept of a person who exudes ‘Karen’ has fully infiltrated public discourse in the past few years. It has now reached the point where an Australian diner opened up called ‘Karen’s Diner.'


Karen's Diner

This diner is unlike any other. The waiters are extremely rude, the service is entirely inefficient, and everyone who comes in gets roasted every 4 seconds. Why would anyone submit themself to this kind of dining experience? Well, because it's hilarious.


Why don't you watch for yourself what some peoples' experiences were like:


The Karen's Diner Experience


Another Experience


Last Example


Most people go with the expectation that they will get some pretty sh*tty service, but that's simply a part of the charm of this diner.


What one TikToker, @evelyn.Ellis, did was take her parents to the Melbourne-based diner, but did not warn them at all about how this place works.


The caption of her video says: No parents were hurt in the making… Good to know.


The video itself really says it all. Let's get into it, shall we?


Evelyn's Video


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