Dating Fails

Naughty and Noisy Neighbors Don't Deserve These Nice Notes From These Tired Souls

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    The Dandiest Downstairs Neighbor Ally

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    Keep the Demonic Nights to the Weekends, Please

    Cheezburger Image 8982259712
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    Listen to the Safe Sex T-Rex Tips

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    Have as Much Sex as You Want, Just Not at 2AM

    at least your neighbor wrote you a nice note
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    How Official!

    Cheezburger Image 8982260480
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    So Kind, Much Regards

    Cheezburger Image 8982260992
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    No Need to Blush

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    I Love You More Than X-Files

    the x files was a great show
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    Ecstasy Will Make You Do Some Weird Stuff

    it's a shame her boyfriend is asleep. Free backrubs for all!
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    If You Have Terribly Loud Neighbors, This is the Prank for You

    Sure, it might be a little loud for a casually annoying neighbor, but if you share a wall with someone as annoying as this guy's neighbors, it's totally worth it.
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    Not All Noisy Neighbors Are At Least Aware and Trying to Be Better...

    funny parenting image new parents are considerate neighbors
    A Considerate Neighbor Despite Being a New Parent?! #blessed


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