Man Puts Out Hilarious Video Roasting 'The Good Ol Days,' Or The 1920's


We all have that one parent, uncle, or grandparent who refuses to recognize that the modern-day world is anything comparably as good as the world they grew up in.


Sure, we tend to shrug them off because obviously life seemed better back then, they were a kid, everything is simpler when you're a child.


Or specifically, if that person is a man, you can probably guess why they preferred life before the 50s and 60s, the genders had much more uniform roles in life.


Without getting too political, it's clear that some people benefit much more from the current world than almost an era in the 20th century, so if someone romanticizes the ‘Good Ol Days,' and is referring to perhaps any decade between the 20s and the 50s, they probably got to keep up with the times.


We don't want to argue that the world is perfect now either, or that everyone sucked before, heck, how can we really know? All we have is the stories our extended family shares with us, and some really static-y films and novels written by upper-class men.


Anyway, enough about the world shifting. Let's focus on what this article is about: The 1920s.


The Video


Oh yeah baby, the roaring 20s. It's hard to imagine this kind of humor was ever considered elite? Did they test out the jokes on live studio audiences? Or did they just decide that someone falling was the ultimate joke of all time?


Let's meet the man of the hour.


Kyle Gordon


Kyle, or @kylegordonisgreat on TikTok, is a content creator who creates hilarious videos and bits showcasing the many characters he can transform into. The comedian has over 2.6 million followers already. He clearly has a knack for jumping into different situations and showcasing the humor involved.


It's okay, you can admit that you want to see more from Kyle.


Here's Kyle Roasting Every Graduation Speech

Kyle's Graduation Video


He also made fun of some old-timey baseball trash talk


Old Time-y Baseball Video


He has hundred of hilarious videos just like these, be sure to check them out!


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