
NASA Wants The Filthy Rich To Holiday In Space

  • Spacecraft international space station floating in space above earth

    NASA recently announced it's plan for building a "commercial launch destination" (i.e. space hotel) and attach it to the International Space Station. NASA said on it's blog it wants to "foster the growth of a robust low-Earth orbit economy," because if you can make money from something, why not do it? 

    Houston-based startup Axiom Space will construct the module, and it eventually wants to create it's own space station. NASA has been pushing for privatizing the ISS for a while now, as the station is ageing and has an expiry date

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  • photo of white padded room luxury module international space station space hotel

    The luxury "large-windowed" module will be available to anyone who has a spare $50 million lying around. So that leaves about 1% of the world's population. Like all good things in life, the rich will be able to try it before the rest of us. Those lucky few who make it to the space station will have access to WiFi, so they can stream their experience to us plebs on Earth. We look forward to that. 


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