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Man Lost in the Woods at Night in Peru Proves Spirit Guides Exist When Random Stray Dog Leads Him Home Then Disappears


TikToker Devinhoo aka @dev.trades has been busy enjoying the beautiful landscapes the South American country of Peru has to offer. During his travels he went to visit a popular set of springs in the mountains a couple of hours away from his hotel. Currently, in Peru, the sun is setting relatively early—like around 6pm. So when Devin was returning home one evening, it got dark and he ended up getting a little stranded. 


“If you don’t believe in guardian angels then this is your sign”


Apparently, the the only road back to his hotel was a dirt road that was closed after 6pm for construction. So he ended up having to go catch a train. However, he waited and waited and no train showed up. A woman how lived near the train stop spotted him and told him there were no more trains for the night. But she was able to set him up with some flash lights and pointed him towards where he needed to go—which was basically to just follow the train tracks. However, after about half an hour of following the tracks Devin started to feel very anxious. I mean, he's walking alone at night in the middle of the woods in some mountain in Peru, which he was not familiar with—who wouldn't be a little afraid??


As his anxiety just started to elevate and he started to think maybe walking alone at night in the woods in Peru was a bad idea, a dog popped out of the trees and approached him lovingly. The dog had a collar own and was instantly very friendly, so Devin was unafraid. The dog stayed with him for the rest of the walk and even walked directly in front of him as if he were leading him back to the town himself. The man felt so grateful for this dog and set him up with some food. When he came back to check on him the next morning, the dog was gone. 


Full Story


Devin felt like he truly met his spirit guide or guardian angel that night through that dog. If it wasn't for that dog, who knows what could have happened. Devin could've gotten terribly lost and still be out there wondering the mountain. Or maybe a predator could have spotted him and started stalking him. But because that dog came to protect and lead him, Devin was able to make it back to his hotel safe and sound.


The dog disappearing in the morning made it feel even more like this animal was a spiritual encounter—if he had seen him the next morning, he would've wanted to adopt him and take him home to be his beloved pet. But instead, he will forever be remembered as Devin's spirit guide/guardian angel. 


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