Cats are not known for being super cooperative on camera, and the silly incident we came across today displays absolutely no exception to this rule. While being interviewed on television, a sports commentator got an unexpected surprise when a cat appeared out of nowhere and then proceeded to give him a big slap. Naturally, the incident went viral. We do not know who gave cats permission to be this silly and downright hilarious, but we sure are glad they did. Keep the laughs comin, kitty cats.
"A video of a sports commentator being slapped by a cat during a live broadcast in Turkey went viral on Sunday (August 28). Commentator Huseyin Ozkok was live on TV via teleconference when he was unexpectedly interrupted by a cat slapping him on the back. 'Did you bring your cat?' the anchor woman asked jokingly. Ozkok said he was a guest in the house where the cat was living." Pure silliness. Via The Straits Times.