Aunt "Karen" (or Jay, but we thought Karen could be more fitting) came at this situation with all kinds of shady baggage and aggressive entitlement. This translated to her not being willing to pay family for their hard work on art pieces. On top of that, she was cleaning out credit cards, and racking up lavish expenses. In the end, Aunt Karen's greedy antics caught up with her.
This thread was posted to Reddit's r/ProRevenge subreddit by u/KindredCocaCola, who admitted that their biggest mistake was not agreeing to specific terms of payment upfront. That being said, when it's your Aunt and she agrees to at least some form of compensation verbally, one would think that a formal arrangement would not be necessary. But clearly, this woman was never planning on actually paying the original poster. The takeaway here, besides the fact that Karens are unavoidable no matter how hard we try to avoid them, is to get any kind of transactional relationship or promise of payment in writing first and foremost. Even if it's your own Aunt!
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