
My Dating Nightmare: Women Reveal Their Worst One-Night Stand Fails

  • 1. "I met a guy at a bar and went back to his apartment for some adult fun. We did the deed and I got up to use the bathroom. I was really drunk at this point and sat down to pee..."

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  • "...I clearly got comfortable because I fell asleep on the toilet, completely naked with my head in my lap. His roommate found me early the next morning and had to wake my hookup buddy so he could get in the shower."

  • 2. "I hooked up with a guy I met at a club and we went to Taco Bell before going home and doing the nasty. This was a bad idea...."

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  • "...I woke up the next morning alone in his bed. I had vomited all over myself and he had to sleep on the couch. I stripped his bed, threw away his sheets, and Amazon Prime’d him some new ones."

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  • 3. "I took a guy home after my Tinder date and the next morning I realized he stole my credit card and spent $3k at Best Buy."

  • 4. "I brought a guy home after a boozy Tinder date. After our sexy time romp, I awoke to him pissing in my closet. He was so drunk he mistook it for the bathroom. He left a rather expensive watch behind and attempted to contact me to get it back..."

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  • "...I said he would have to Venmo me for ruining several pairs of suede boots in order to get it back. He refused, so I ended up keeping the watch."

    Hair - keep it? keep it.
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  • 5. "I went home with a guy I met on a dating app. When I woke up to leave the next morning his roommate was sitting in the living room. This roommate was my HR director."

  • 6. "My friends and I were invited back to hang out with some guys we met at a bar. I wanted to sleep with one in particular but I hadn’t been ‘groomed’ down there in a while. I ran into a pharmacy to ‘get some Gatorade’ and bought a disposable razor..."

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  • "...We got to their house and I went into the bathroom to shave. The next morning when I woke up to his housemates knocking on the door demanding whoever left their pubes in the sink to please clean it up. It was pretty clear I was the culprit."

    Bathroom sink
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  • 7. "I met a guy at a bar and decided he was a good candidate to release my sexual tension with. I have a colostomy bag and when I woke up I realized it had leaked all over his bed. I gathered my clothes and left before he woke up."

  • 8. "I brought home a guy and my roommate was sitting on the couch we came home. It turned out to be the same guy she had slept with several times and ghosted her. My roommate and I don’t get along so I let him stay. Talk about awkward, though."

  • 9. "I had a lot to drink, went home with my Tinder date and ended up wetting the bed. I was in an area where I couldn’t get an Uber so I had to wait for him to wake up to take me home. I grabbed a bottle of water from his fridge and pretended it spilled."

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  • 10. "My cat has some health issues and when he is not feeling well he lets me know by going to the bathroom in various places that are NOT the litter box. I brought my Bumble date home for some after a boozy night out. We made our way to the bedroom..."

    Face - I want you.
  • "...After rolling around in bed for a few minutes we realized it smelled like cat piss and my cat had peed and crapped all over the bed. It was smeared all over us. My date was disgusted (rightfully so) and ran to jump in the shower..."

  • "...The icing on the cake? It just so happened to be the one day/year when my building shut off the hot water from 11 PM - 5 AM to do maintenance on the hot water heater. The shower was freezing cold. He left right after."

    Standing - #IMPASTOR


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