The coronavirus lockdown has inspired people's creativity in many forms. We've shown you many examples of how people are exercising their talents, from experimenting with crazy hairstyles to reenacting iconic movie scenes and recreating famous paintings. But one high school student has really proven her creativity by investing over 395 hours over four months in designing a pandemic-themed prom dress made out of forty-one rolls of Duct Tape.
Peyton Manker was inspired to create the coronavirus-themed dress because of a contest called 'Stuck At Prom' held by Duck Brand, an American duct tape package supplies and home products organization. The winning prize is a $10,000 scholarship which will be announced by Duck Brand on July 21st. Peyton's hard work is evident in the incredible detail she has incorporated into the gown, such as social distancing designs, pictures of her graduating class, and messages of inspiration. She painstaking cut out all the letters and designs, which she explains in a video about the process of making the dress, on her Facebook page. She invested put many hours into creating pandemic related accessories, including a mask, jewelry, and flowers. Check out her amazing talent and the finished products below.
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