
My Nightmare Date Put My Number Online For Strangers To Send Me Inappropriate Pics

  • Blond-haired, blue-eyed Evan presented really well online.


    My online dating horror story was with a guy I met on Tinder.

    A few weeks into my stint with online dating I received a well-mannered message from a blond-haired, blue-eyed financial journalist residing on the Upper East Side named Evan. After exchanging numbers Evan suggested we get drinks at a charming speakeasy in close proximity to both our apartments. 

  • But in real life, he was a creep.


    Meeting Evan in person sent chills down my spine. I was unable to put my finger on it, but there was something extremely creepy about him. We got to talking about what we do for a living and our bosses.

    Though many Americans despise their boss, Evan was eerily sinister about it.  

  • He described in detail how he wanted his boss to die.

    Hair - - GRVE UM...

    He went on in rather intricate detail about how he would like for his boss's plane to crash and for his body to be engulfed in flames, then sink into the ocean, never to be found. 

    Evan had clearly given this a lot of thought, and I decided it was time to go home. He insisted we have another drink, but I assured him one was enough for me considering it was a Tuesday (on Tuesdays I usually go to bottomless margarita night and get smashed). 

  • Then, he threw a hissy fit when I tried to leave.


    Evan was none too pleased about this. He was obviously agitated and made comments about how he wouldn't have come all the way down here (6 blocks) only to have one drink. 

    I ignored his minor hissy fit and safely returned to the solace of my apartment.

    Throughout the next week, Evan texted me three times requesting a second date, to which I declined by coming up with somewhat lame excuses, thinking he would give up.

  • I ignored Evan's relentless texts to see me again until he left me a voicemail...


    But alas, Evan persisted.

    After the fourth text went ignored Evan called me, and I received a rather scathing voicemail.

    "So I'm sure you know this is Evan because I'm pretty sure you're ignoring me, which I think is kinda fucked up. I took you out for a nice evening, and you bailed early for no reason. So I hope you are happy, and good luck trying to meet someone with such a boring personality. You will need it."

  • Suddenly, I started receiving tens of d*ck pics from strangers...


    It was f*cking hilarious. 

    That evening, however, was not so hilarious when my phone started blowing UP.

    I suddenly began receiving an overwhelming amount of d*ck pics from unknown numbers. Over the course of four hours, I must have received a total of 50 texts depicting the genitalia of total strangers.

  • Because he had posted my number on Craigslist.


    It was extremely frightening.

    I soon found out that someone had posted an ad on Craigslist with my phone number saying that I am 'looking for some *d*ck,' and to send a picture of them to my phone if they were down to f*ck tonight.
  • I reported it to the police immediately.

    Hair - Frick my life.

    In addition to this salacious message, this person took a picture of me in a bikini from Instagram and included it in the ad. 

    I reported the post and immediately went to the police. 

    The ad was taken down shortly after, and thankfully the dick pics stopped coming in. 

  • That will teach me to give out my number to guys on apps.

    Blond - Lesson learned SLICE

    I would love to prove that Evan was behind this defaming advertisement, but considering I would need to retain a lawyer, file a lawsuit, and subpoena Craigslist for the poster's information (and even that may not work if he was using public wi-fi), it would have been a long and expensive endeavor.

    So the moral of this story is, keep the communication on the apps until you get to know someone. 


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