Question of the Day: Trump asks Why wasn’t hacking brought up before election? Twitter: It was.

  • 01

    Good question. Twitter?

    There was a problem rendering this tweet - it may have been deleted.
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  • 02

    Oh, right.

    There was a problem rendering this tweet - it may have been deleted.
  • 03

    There's also that.

    There was a problem rendering this tweet - it may have been deleted.
  • 04

    Stop skipping those intelligence briefings!

    There was a problem rendering this tweet - it may have been deleted.
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  • 05

    Also, there was that time you brought it up and encouraged it.

    There was a problem rendering this tweet - it may have been deleted.
  • 06

    And the time your VP brought it up.

    There was a problem rendering this tweet - it may have been deleted.
  • 07

    And for a complete list...

    There was a problem rendering this tweet - it may have been deleted.
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