Enter the magical world of Japanese artist, Mono Kubo! Mono Kubo, a talented artist who has re-imaged our world where humans are lost and regular-sized, but animals are giant creatures here to comfort us or provide us with some sort of path. Mono Kubo's message behind each one of these stunning and imaginative artworks is trying to tell the viewer that the best way to befriend and understand nature is to envision the roles reversed. We like to believe in a world such as the one Mono Kubo has created. A world where animals are larger than life and are our saviors, in one way or another.
We have shared some of this artist's artwork before but below are some new ones (mixed with a bit of older items).
You can follow this incredible artist on Twitter or Tumblr! Truth us, you can get lost in this magical world (in the best way possible).
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