Every now and then we see someone that has actually gone out of their way to avoid doing something that is above their pay grade - or below it. And we can't help but almost admire them. The "Not my job" attitude is one that exudes healthy self-worth, and enviable determination. At the end of the day, all you have in this world is you damn self. And it's important to prioritize one's needs - within reason. These instances are some of the more amusing (and impressive) times people just "noped" their way out of responsibility. We hope this is a skill we can learn someday.
This person clearly doesn't live in any state that borders Mexico. It's simply not possible.
It's important to be honest about our shortcomings, at least they got the message across.
It kind of makes sense if you really think about it.
This might be a little more MacGyver than "lazy," but it definitely still belongs.