Wholesome Stories Of Cats Showing Love To Their Humans

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    Gesture - Sandy Holcomb Sinkler When we adopted an adult cat, she had allergies and was a little sick. I kept touching her nose to see if it was warm or cool. She seemed to associate that with care for someone not feeling well. Now, whenever l'm sick, she will not stop touching my nose. 69 Like Reply Message 10h
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    Font - Tiffany Reek I had my kitties for 11 years at this point. My dad went into hospice care and it took 6 weeks for him to pass. Of course, I was an absolute mess for these 6 weeks plus an additional four weeks of heavy mourning. Well, one of my kitties developed a skin rash and started scratching herself. We ran every test possible at the vet, and when everything came back as normal or negative the vet just asked me, "Has anything major happened in your life recently?" I explained the situat
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    Font - Kacey Lee My cat wouldn't eat and hid under the bed while I was in the hospital, despite attentive care from several experienced cat people friends. When I got home I took a bath and he plastered himself to the side of the tub. Wouldn't let me out of his sight for at least a week. Like · Reply · Message · 9h
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    Font - Susan Ruby Today we had to put my mom's dog down it was quite sudden. When we got home and sat down, my cats instantly came to us. Two started being silly and showing off (which is not the norm), one did his super stretches on the floor, and one climbed into moms lap and snuggle up to her cooing. Then I had a huge shock, my big main coon mix who is an ass about not laying on your lap until he has at least 50 walk arounds, jumped into my lap and laid straight down. Then he put his head han
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    Font - Jessica Ipp My cat Patriot is 2 years old. I got him 3 months after my husband passed, at 9 weeks old, as a kinda therapy pet for myself my 4 kids. Whenever anyone in the house is upset, he is always there. He will meow like crazy, bring toys and force cuddle. He is the bestest boy! 28 Like Reply Message · 10h
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    Cat - Victoria Bardsley A few years ago I had a nasty case of the flu. Casey stuck to me like glue - followed me absolutely everywhere. She did the same thing way back in 2014 when I had a concussion and I was puking everywhere. She wouldn't leave my side and would paw at my face and lick me just to make sure that I was okay. Cats are wonderful animals. They own you. O 15 Like · Reply Message 7h
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    Font - Kandera Lockwood I was about to commit suicide and was sobbing uncontrollably and my cat came over and gently bit my arm and mewed softly three times. She had never done that. It was the sweetest thing. She could tell I was struggling. I don't have her anymore but I remember her fondly. OOD 32 Like · Reply · Message · 10h · Edited
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    Comfort - Tori Rivers I had surgery a few weeks ago. This was 3 of my 4 looking out for me while I napped after I came home. 5 Like Reply Message 6h
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    Rectangle - Cindy Marks My cat has sympathy sickness. When I get sick, so does he. O9 4 Like · Reply · Message - 11h
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    Facial expression - Jennifer Bedwell My cat James bring me socks when I'm sleeping and will commune with me forhead to forhead...he also just up and headbutts my glasses right against my eyeballs
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    Rectangle - Sharilynn Paolotto Battaglia Mine have taken turns laying on me since I got out of the hospital with the worst autoimmune attack on my body ever. They know, they care, they love! O9 4 Like Reply Message 8h
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    Font - Tina Riegel Of course they have feelings!! I had 2 that were raised together from little babies though not the same litter. They were together over 16 years. When the male was dying the female stayed by his side non-stop. When he passed away she stopped eating and died of a broken heart 5 days later. 1 Like Reply Message 1h
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    Cat - Jeff Englert My cat is closer to me than any human on earth she knows how l'm feeling almost better than I do she is always by my side I can't imagine life without her (she hates having her picture taken 8. Like · Reply Message 10h
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    Gesture - Amy Cavalier When I was very sick, my cat was by my side every minute, making sure I was okay. Also when I was suffering from another health ailment my cat was pacing around, really worried about me. Pets know what is going on, and they are healing 3 Like · Reply · Message · 11h
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    And it's not just cats either!

    Font - Charity Hicks My ferret lost his bonded partner and stopped eating and stopped drinking and I could see him slipping away and I picked them up and I held him and I cried and he looked up, and smelled my tears, and lick my face and then ate the food I was offering him and started eating and drinking again. I honestly feel like if he wasn't as bonded to me he would have let himself go. He stayed for me OD9 186 Like · Reply · Message · 11h · Edited


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