"Goober is 13! This is Goober."
Goober looks like so content in this picture, it's hard to imagine that anything is wrong with her health. Despite everything she's going through, we are so happy to see her pushing through with the help of all the loving people around her. All the people taking care of her and giving her this amazing life are incredible, and we're thankful for your hard work.
"We had to stop visiting people when we moved to Egypt last year."
We can only wish this gorgeous kitty as easy a time as possible dealing with the sinusitis as well as many, many more happy years to come. We trust though, that with a family as loving as yours, Goober is in good hands, and she will enjoy every minute that she spends with you to the fullest.
"We're back in the U.S. but Covid and her health have kept us from getting back into pet therapy. This winter has been really bad for her chronic sinusitis. If only she could blow her nose, she'd be a lot more comfortable..."
"Goober enjoys supervised outdoor time."
"She was raised with greyhounds, Donovan and Butter. Sadly, they crossed the bridge in 2016 and 2017."
"This brick doubles as a cat bed."
"Sitting in front of the door is not as good as being outside."
"Goober loves to nap in a lap."
"She lost a front leg to cancer in 2017 and I found a similar tumor in her other front leg. Thankfully, it's not growing as fast and doesn't seem to bother her as much as the first one."
"She likes to give me kisses on my nose...and then bite."
"Happy birthday Goobs!"
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