Serial Dater Uncovers The Best Excuses To Get Out Of Dates

  • 01
    Rectangle - Regina Roz, Serial Dater dating again. Still trying to use my powers for good. Well I want to say "be honest and upfront with him so you don't waste each other's time" but l've been guilty of this in the past. Still am, if I'm being honest. These are a few that I've been guilty of, though some are just thrown in for the silliness of it.
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  • 02
    Rectangle - I'm sorry, I have a family emergency.
  • 03
    Purple - Work has been crazy and I need to stay back to catch up on some work.
  • 04
    Rectangle - Sure, coffee will be great! I'll text you when I'm free (then proceed to never message him back and leave it alone until the next conversation he starts)
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  • 05
    Purple - Omigosh! Was that today? I completely spaced! Reschedule? Ill let you know!
  • 06
    Purple - Ok, don't hate me but I've accidentally triple booked. I'm so disorganized!
  • 07
    Rectangle - Sure l'll be there in ten minutes! (Show up two hours later), gosh, sorry! I just had a big fight with this seeing/boyfriend. It's nice to let it go and talk with a friend. guy I'm
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  • 08
    Rectangle - Oh no! I set my time up and everything! Sorry, my alarm never rang! Can we just reschedule?
  • 09
    Font - I'm not that kind of girl to just go out without knowing someone. (Usually their response would be "Oh yeah, that's cool. I respect that" Then proceeds to try and get to know me without forcing me to go out with them as more than a friend.)
  • 10
    Rectangle - My GPS isn't working and I don't know where that is. Or where I am.
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  • 11
    Purple - I just got grounded for mistaking a cop as my grandma's birthday stripper.
  • 12
    Rectangle - I can't go. I just found out we're related.
  • 13
    Rectangle - Sorry, your brother just asked me out and he's hotter.
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  • 14
    Rectangle - Sorry, you're too old/young for me.
  • 15
    Purple - You'll never believe this but I just got locked in my house. I can't leave!


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