Choosing good roommates is integral to a healthy state of mind. When the world is falling apart, you gotta know that you can always return to a safe, Zen state of mind back home. However, if your roommates end up being batsh*t crazy, then Houston, we have a problem. There is no safe space to return to anymore. The world is psycho, and now so is your home. You will never be at peace. The only place you can go to vent about your crazy living situation is online. Enter the Twitter-sphere. Every week, people take to Twitter to document everything their crazy roommate has been up to lately. Here are their stories, in 140 characters or less.
There is a lot to unpack here. At first, I thought the roommate was blackout drunk, but the Twitter user clarified in the rest of the thread that said roommate was experiencing a mental blackout. Whatever mental breakdown you're going through, smashing a fish tank and murdering an innocent fish is not the answer! The original poster said the poor fish's name was Nacho. Rest in peace, little guy.
Yikes! Now that you've tweeted this initial suspicion, we need to hear how the rest of the mystery plays out. Video evidence? Confession? Give us a confirmation!
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