Twitter Responds To Female Australian MP Getting Blatantly Mansplained To On Live TV

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    Font - Jackie @jaquix173 · 2h •.. Replying to @ThwaitesKate Presenter Jade McMillan should have stopped the govt BLOKE for so rudely interrupting. A skill she needs to learn quick smart. 11 27 26 312
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    Font - St Mary MacKiller @StMaryMacKiller · 2h Sometimes an interviewer or presenter has to make the decision as to whether to intercede, or whether the case is best illustrated by letting the person hang themselves with their own rope. This is one such instance. 27 6 124
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    Rectangle - Leo "Splinter" Jai @lionheartleojai · 2h •.. Replying to @ThwaitesKate It seems every time they open their mouths they further highlight the problem. 3 122
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    Rectangle - Cheryl Kernot @cheryl_kernot · 3h ... Replying to @ThwaitesKate I saw it. Not just talked over the last say" move! Ee for Nautu also tried the "have 6 27 62 299
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    Organism - Lalikat @iallikat · 3h ... Replying to @ThwaitesKate Do not back down Kate. Keep talking over him as much as he talks over you. you succumbed to his interruption. stand your ground in future. filibuster him until he shuts up. 140
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    Rectangle - Thomas Midena @Thoroughmas · 2h I respect the host for allowing him the space to poo his way all over the desk and emphasise Kate's point. •..
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    Font - heres nothing Wrong with ging for a run Querious @barbecuarea · 4h •.. Replying to @ThwaitesKate and @Russputin2 Poor old Ben, Yet another shining example of men thinking men always come first and know more. Yawn!! Great to have it simultaneously called out and also allowed to continue in its pathetic entirety by the host ! ond o Kebu 8. 27 19 233
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    Font - Battle Weary Woman @3wombats · 2h Proving the government still can't read the room or indeed know what respect is ... 2 10
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    Font - NoBeersForNewsCorp @tmcrumpet · 3h Replying to @ThwaitesKate Love how you called him out loudly! ... But in the typical entitled male 'my voice must be heard now' way - he went right on over the top of you anyway. And they wonder why women are so bloody angry. 111 6 27
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    Font - Helen 'Sewer Rat' Robertson @HelenRobertson4 · 1h I did wonder why the host was even there. No word of correction. When people are so rude their microphone needs to be turned off. Just a little button under the desk would be good. 10
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    Font - Rodd Clarkson @mrmintslice · 1h ... Replying to @ThwaitesKate Ah #bensmall, how big do you feel right now. Classic example of the #LNPToxicCulture were you spout platitudes and do the opposite. My favourite was you claiming you haven't pointed fingers and then later in the same interview pointing fingers. You can't even hear yourself.


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