90 Day Fiancé is one of the weirdest shows on the air right now, but it's the kind of thing that is so painful you can't look away. I don't know why people become so attached to the characters, but it's probably because they are so personable. They are literally just regular a$$ people who are trying to find love. Isn't that something we can all relate to on some level? Let's think of Big Ed for example. I think we could all see a little bit of ourselves in Big Ed. He clearly makes many mistakes, but that's what makes him Big Ed. Okay, have I said big Ed enough?
These Twitter Memes perfectly encapsulate the absurdity that is 90 Day Fiancé.
A lot of people didn't think 90 Day Fiancé was going to be able to take place given the current status of the planet. In March 2020 there was not only a halt on visa applications and travel but also rigid restrictions on filming due to social distancing requirements.
But, luckily for us, it appears that love conquers all, and we got season 8. What a time to be alive.
You can't stop a queen from being extra it appears. Rebecca wanted a fairytale entrance and so that is exactly what she got.
A lot of Twitter users were outraged because it was her 3rd or 4th wedding and she still wanted to be treated like a princess. Is it over the top? Yes. But dang can't we let her feel like a princess? Wouldn't you want that too?
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