This was the ultimate reunion that no one ever thought was going to actually take place. But it really took place this weekend. Once and for all. And in case you were curious, no, I'm not okay. Neither is anyone who watched this show from beginning to end a disgusting amount of times. Now, of course, we all have to watch it again with the new critical information from the reunion that will likely never escape our psyches.
Apparently, Ross and Rachel did have crushes on each other in real life, and ... well these Tweets say it all.
This was just FAR too much to take in. We all expected to cry a little bit about seeing all of these familiar fades together once again But, knowing that there was true romance involved? As I said, I'm not okay.
I simply CANNOT with these back-to-back images of then and now. This is bringing back feeling that I didn't know I had. Did they decide to reveal this or was it actually just an accident?
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