
Salty Woman Tries To Shame Her Friend For Having Pricey Engagement Ring

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    Rectangle - r/AmltheAsshole u/rach56878• 17h 1 1 3 S 1 1 AITA for uninviting my friend from my engagement party after she made a rude comment about my ring?

    It was Reddit user u/rach56878 who asked the 'Am I The A-Hole' community if she was in the wrong for uninviting her friend to her engagement party because she made rude comments about her ring. At first glance, you might think the narrator is just sensitive, but there is definitely more to the story.

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    Font - | (27F) got engaged around a month ago to my lovely boyfriend (28M) of six years. My fiance works in the tech industry and makes a very good amount. For our engagement, my fiance ended up picking probably the most perfect ring for me. It was very expensive, however, and he refused to tell me the exact price and just said it was upwards of $40k.

    She starts the story by providing some much-needed background. A little bit about her and her fiance. He happens to be very successful in his career and likes to spend the money he earns. Yes, a little part of all of us wants to have that kind of money too, but it doesn't mean they don't 'deserve' it.

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    Font - We plan on holding an engagement party with our closest friends at a lake house next weekend. I've already sent out the invites to my inner circle and all of them have RSVPd saying they could make it, including the friend in question, "Amy". Amy and I met at my work and have been close friends for about four years. However, she is definitely my most complicated friendship. Amy (25F) is a young single mom and has struggled financially.
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    Smile - Throughout the years, I have offered a lot of financial support to her such as paying for her meals and trips, paying for her daughter's school trips and gifts, purchasing home goods for them, etc.
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    Font - Last weekend, Amy and I went to brunch and she asked to see my ring. She immediately asked me how much he paid for it and I refused to tell her the amount, just stating that it was probably pretty expensive. Then she said, "It looks like it's at least $50,000...Don't you think it's kind of shitty to spend that much on a ring when even a fifth of that money could've pulled a family out of poverty?" I was frankly shocked when she made that comment. I'm a firm believer that you should never
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    Font - After reflecting on the situation, I decided I was not comfortable with Amy coming to the engagement party anymore. It takes me a while to get over rude comments like hers and I just did not want any tension/unresolved anger at our celebration. I shot her a text explaining how her comments were upsetting to me and how her words were not only demeaning, but disrespectful. As a result, I told her I would no longer feel comfortable with her attending my engagement party. I told her I hope we
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    Font - She responded shortly after apologizing for the comment and said how she didn't know it would affect me that much. She promised she'd be better about it and asked me to reconsider the party because she's already bought an outfit and hired a babysitter, and was looking forward to celebrating with me. She also added that if I was going to uninvite her from the party over such a small thing, she'd "misjudged my character." I'll admit, I can be a pushover sometimes. I did immediately feel bad
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    Font - DrWhoop87 · 17h Asshole Enthusiast [7] 1 Award I can write a lecture about everything wrong with the wedding industry, but there are places I wouldn't bring it up. To a friend who just got their engagement ring is probably not a place to discuss the moralities of how much it cost. Even if Amy had a point she was incredibly tactless about it. I don't think you would be wrong regardless if you gave her another chance or stick to uninviting her because it's your engagement party. NTA. 6 Repl
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    Font - materantiqua • 16h 9 Awards I think people are missing the subtext of what's happening here for the most part but let me illuminate since l've had a friend like Amy before. Amy's comment was MEANT to provoke a reaction in OP. She just didn't get the reaction she wanted. This is a friend who accepts financial help from OP constantly. Her comment was meant allude to the fact that spending $50k on a ring means OP (and future spouse) has less money to charitably give to Amy. It was meant to s
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    Rectangle - richterj • 17h 3 10 Awards NTA: She bought an outfit just for a party? Doesn't she know she could have donated that money to a homeless person and bought them food for a week?! /s O 6 Reply 4 7.1k 3 + ...
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    Font - pnutbuttercups56 · 17h Certified Proctologist [24] NTA. Just because her comment may have truth in it doesn't mean it's right to say that to you. Unless you you both have discussed the cost of rings and how much people spend on them before. She shouldn't have said that to you especially because she doesn't know how much the ring cost. She apologized but you don't have to accept it. G Reply 4 304 3 ...
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    Font - atomicalex0 • 17h Asshole Enthusiast [7] 1 Award I think you misjudged her character. She's using you to pay for what she can't, and has just decided to slice open her golden goose. NTA at all. Best be rid of her entirely. You are way too nice. G Reply 1 257 3 ...
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    Font - No_Proposal7628 · 15h NTA. It sounds like Amy is jealous of your better financial situation and your fiancé's generosity. You have been very generous to her with your money but she looks at your expensive ring and thinks how it could help others because she's someone who needs help. She was rude about your ring and judgmental. She apologized but the problem is now you know how she really feels and thinks. It's okay you uninvited her from the engagement party. She said she'll try to be bet
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    Rectangle - Dalhara • 14h NTA-what she did is just as bad as ridiculing a less expensive ring as too cheap... And to say it to the friend that helps when needed....rude G Reply ...


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