Twitter Thread: Crows Learn To Say 'Hello' And Spook Twitter User

  • 01
    Font - Cherie Priest @cmpriest ... Went to clean/fill the bird baths and heard someone say, "Hello? HELLO?" I thought I was losing my mind - but it turns out that the crows who frequent the patio baths have spent enough time around humans that they have picked up both basic greetings and passive aggression. 6:54 PM Jun 28, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 1,170 Retweets 103 Quote Tweets 11.6K Likes
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  • 02
    Plant - Cherie Priest @cmpriest Replying to @cmpriest Gonna be real honest, I didn't know that crows can learn to talk a bit - and by the time there were three of them on the fence urging me to hurry up with the fresh water already I figured l'd better hustle. So. Here you go, crows. Sheesh.
  • 03
    Train - Cherie Priest @cmpriest ... Replying to @cmpriest For the lols, here's the whole Critter Hydration setup. First, the feeding station by the driveway (which is *almost* always shaded). Water in the place that stays shadiest - with Bonus! pots full of fresh water stashed here and there.
  • 04
    Plant - Cherie Priest ... @cmpriest Replying to @cmpriest Next, the front yard bed - which is also almost always shaded. And all of these (plus the patio baths so beloved of the crows) get hosed out and refilled every morning.
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  • 05
    Plant - Cherie Priest @cmpriest ... Replying to @cmpriest Anyway, wildlife is cool and you should help it if you can
  • 06
    Table - Cherie Priest @cmpriest ... Replying to @cmpriest Update: I ran the sprinkler for a couple hours this afternoon and just now heard that weird "HELLO?!" Guess who's back! (It's usually just these two; don't know who the new guy was this morning.) They often come back in the evening, when the yard is fully shaded again.
  • 07
    Azure - rstevens @rstevens Replying to @cmpriest welp, you have to move now
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  • 08
    Font - Cherie Priest @cmpriest Replying to @rstevens Why would I move when I have an army of well hydrated crows by my side
  • 09
    Font - Dr. Amy Harris-Aber @amyaber Replying to @cmpriest absolutely the coolest tweet I have read today.
  • 10
    Rectangle - Cherie Priest @cmpriest Replying to @amyaber It was hella weird; at first it sounded like a cat, and then it refined the sound to a perfect "hello" and its friends joined in
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  • 11
    Font - JD, C random thought generator. @JailhousLibrary Replying to @cmpriest Feed them, they'll bring you gifts. Good ones, like actual money. Not a dead mouse like the cat brings.
  • 12
    Rectangle - Cherie Priest @cmpriest Replying to @JailhousLibrary You say that, but these crows have already brought me at least three dead mice and half a sparrow.
  • 13
    Font - linda z () ... @lindazunas Replying to @cmpriest I love that you have befriended the crows. I always say "hi crow" to our neighborhood ones
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  • 14
    Font - Cherie Priest @cmpriest ... Replying to @lindazunas I call them all "Crow Bros" and I hope they know I mean it kindly.
  • 15
    Font - ace tilton ratcliff 6 @MortuaryReport Replying to @cmpriest that's actually terrifying and hilarious all at once
  • 16
    Font - Cherie Priest @cmpriest Replying to @MortuaryReport I mean, I see them all the time - they know I'm the water-and-peanuts lady. They know I won't bother them, but it was so hot, so early...they just wanted some fresh water, like, NOW.


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