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Tumblr Thread: Pregnant Feral Cat Falls In Love With New Forever Home

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    Font - sermna Follow There's a mama cat living in my garage named Felicia. When she first showed up she was almost completely feral. She knew humans dispensed food, and that was about as far as her trust and interest extended for many months. But y'all, she fucked up. She had kittens in my garage last May. She was at my mercy.

    We can only be happy that the person this little adorable cat came across was a person as good as you. Not many people would have helped a cat this way, especially an unfriendly feral pregnant cat. So, thank you, you have truly done a wonderful thing.

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    Font - I fed her meat and water while she recovered and nursed. I gently held her babies. She didn't like it, but as I said, she fucked up, because she was too weak from the birth to protest. The weeks passed. Her kittens were fully socialized and grew to be healthy and fluffy little things. Felicia was now comfortable with my presence, probably because I had not yet eaten her babies or anything like that, but touches were a big NO! That was okay by me though. I figured I would just have her spa

    Hey, we respect her desire for space and even her reluctance to trust you, and again, we thank you for pushing through for her and doing this. Some cats just need some time to get used to their humans and start showing them love. And we are so happy to her about her becoming as affectionate as she did over time. 

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    Rectangle - But then she let me pet her. A few weeks later she started purring and demanding rubs. And today she let me hold her. Felicia fucked up. Felicia is a house cat now
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    Cat - Felicia (bottom right) and her babies (that I have not eaten)
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    Font - sermna Follow for everyone asking about the babies I DID eat: there is in fact a fourth kitten named Pancake that I had to take in before he even opened his eyes because Felicia abandoned him for some reason (it's because he's a tiny asshole Imao). I keep telling him I'm going to roast him for dinner because he's such a shit head but it doesn't seem to bother him. Here's some baby pics:
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    Cat - Pancake!!
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    Carnivore - maethepencildragon fAtHeR,,, reLEAse Me,,,,, i aM tHe terRiBle NigHT,,,,,i Am ThE thINg thAt proWLs iN tHe dArkNeSs,,,, mY mOThEr WAs FROM ThE wILd AnD số Am I,,,
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  • 11
    Sky - brightlotusmoon Follow FIERCE VOID NAME OF PANCAKE 69,474 notes

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