These are strange times for the world's most famous coffee chain. Beating the pandemic downturn, profits are up and business is booming — but their clientele has been turned upside down. Jostling for attention among the commuters and Karens in training are a newer, younger customer base armed with baffling custom orders and supposed secret menu items.
It's a predicament that is impacting those on the front line the most, as a recent video has illustrated. A TikTok shared by Starbucks employee a_problem_like_maria has gone viral after showing her co-workers struggling to keep up the amount of orders coming through their system only ten minutes after opening. Commenters offered plenty of sympathy, with many lso employed by the company grimacing at the thought of such a busy day at work. One thing's for sure, making coffee for a living sure isn't an easy ride. Maybe next time, pass on the extra pump of something and make a barista's day a little easier.