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Why do people have to make things more difficult than they have to be? It's not like it's really that easy to trick someone into doing work for you for free — as shown by this message exchange, in which someone approaches an artist and attempts to rip them off by asking for what sounds like intricate illustration work, only to not even attempt to pay the full amount or even come up with a good excuse why not. Also… this dispute is over $50. It shouldn't be that hard for this lowballer to understand.
If you tell someone that you're gonna pay them to do a thing and then they do that thing, and then you don't pay them, they don't have to give you access to that thing — and this story is exactly why the artist in question demands 25% payment upfront. The would-be scammer goes low at the end of the exchange; suddenly our artist's work isn't very good at all anymore and is not worth any money. We hate dealing with people like this, but fortunately, they always make themselves look stupid in the end.
For another wild encounter with a sketchy business, here's a sketchy business that got called out, then tried to accuse a freelancer of being a shyster.
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