There's a certain type of person who just can't be told they've made a mistake. Or, when they are told they've messed up, they fly into a childish rage and start throwing accusations around, essentially begging the universe to make objective facts bend to their faulty will. Often people sigh and let them get away with this because it's just easier to let them have their way. But there are wonderful moments when these kinds of people are told "of course you can't have everything your way, you jerk."
We don't know what it feels like to be decimated by an owner's response in a public forum, but it must not feel fantastic to be a Karen whose lies are exposed in a way that makes you objectively wrong, maligned and possibly dumb. So here's to the owners who have the time to respond to these dishonest reviewers who thought they could swing their customer hammer with a one-star review.
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