Today in second-hand humiliation we have a real doozy from across the pond. TalkRadio presenter Mike Graham has gone viral thanks to a painfully awkward - and perfectly short - interview with Cameron Ford, a spokesman for the environmental activist group Insulate Britain. The exchange starts with Cameron making a jab at Graham after he asks what Ford is glued to. He responds "Just your screen, unfortunately." Things devolve from there.
After Graham inquires about the environmentally conscious of Cameron's job as a carpenter, he's quickly given a lesson on sustainability - and how trees can be regrown. "You can't grow concrete," Ford explains. "Yeah, you can" retorts Graham. And then comes the silence. As it becomes clear that there's no recovery from this painful blunder, Mike Graham bids his guest adieu, and proceeds to mock the cycle of growing and cutting down trees. Because nobody's ever done that before.
The whole thing is delightfully embarrassing, and has managed to go viral on Twitter, where people are absolutely destroying the radio host. One thing's for sure, if his listeners are anywhere near as daft, they definitely need to witness the schooling. They may actually be smarter for it.