
Hopeless Romantic Captures Youthful Desire to Find Love in a World of Tinder, Cheaters, and One Night Stands


The dating world is wack. Your 20’s are wack. Getting cheated on is wack.


On that, we can all agree right?


The dating world, right now especially, has some weird hurdles for people who want true love like they see in the movies. Dating apps are a super daunting hurdle because most are used for a quick hookup or simply for entertainment. Whereas people like Daescia Demoranville, a woman in her 20’s, are searching for the real thing.


She has recently shared bits of her romantic journey on TikTok, proving that we are not alone in our search for actual real love.



Patiently waiting for a romantic man to come find me and match my energy



Not only that, but Daescia also shares that she has been struggling with a few, more challenging hurdles in her love life. She just found out that her boyfriend, who she was in love with, had cheated on her and IMPREGNATED the other woman. Oh no.



I will never be the same



Dang girl.


Recovering from a blow like that certainly isn’t easy and for some, impossible.


Most women would use a toxic relationship experience like this as a warning to never enter a real relationship again, but Daescia has the strength to do what we all wish we could. She presses on in her search for Prince Charming and truly believes that she can find a gem by sifting through all the garbage men and one-night-stands.


She shares her positivity with her followers and is encouraging others who have struggled to find a healthy relationship to press on. We must ban together! Hopeless romantics unite!



One step closer


We’re all rooting for Daescia right now. Hope in humanity must be restored and surely there is a man out there who isn’t a slimy git or a loser that will saunter into her life and prove that she was right all along. True love DOES exist and it’s certainly not on an app on your phone.


Your glass slipper just needs to be picked up by the right guy.


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