Caturday Shenanigans Extravaganza: Hissterical Cat Memes

  • 01
    Hand - My bank: Why would you spend $1000 on cat treats? Me: BUTTER NUT IS A MASTER OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION.
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  • 02
    Font - mushishitposter reasons you should adopt black cats 1. they're adopted less bc of superstition 2. the fuzzy one look like soot motes 3. people think you're a witch and leave you alone 4. Every picture you take of them looks like a void with glowing eyes which is inadvertently hilarious 5. cat Source: mushishitposter 57,641 notes
  • 03
    Cat - "thank you for your order, l'll push it off the edge of the counter when it's ready"
  • 04
    Cat - Me: Mom I want to see Godzilla movie. Mom: No we have Godzilla at home. Godzilla at home: yortho
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  • 05
    Cat - Guys in their 40s with selfies like:
  • 06
    Cat - Wouldst thou like to live deliciously? WOULDST THOU LIKE THE TASTE OF BUTTER? A PRETTY DRESS? A Broom With a View
  • 07
    Cat - "Next it says add catnip." "You sure?" "Yep, that's what it says." Miele 十
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  • 08
    Product - catscenter stele3 The witches have come to lay their claim. bunjywunjy a pair of mischievous goblins examine their new charge endisni Ebony and Tenebrous were aghast. "Did you hear what those fairies gave her? Beauty, grace and willingness to please? Bast's tits, that's a terrible thing to do to a kitten." Ten got up on her hind legs. "Never trust a flying thing that gives you a mouthful of glitter when you catch it. Come on, Eb, let's give her our gifts." "Like half a shrew? I tried g
  • 09
    Photograph - This cat is about to say something in Italian II
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    Food - When you put something in the shopping basket and hope your mum won't notice
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  • 11
    Cat - Joe @goulcher This piece of anatomy is called a "floofen" and only occurs during high levels of sass
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    Cat - Taco cat spelled backwards is taco cat
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    Cat - Jan 18, 2022 Cat Reunited With Family After It Got Stuck in an Armchair They'd Donated to a Thrift Store Good News Network
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  • 14
    Organism - Jordan @littlemiss_WDE Biggest scam ever: apartments charging pet fees but not children fees. My cat literally lays on a blanket all day while I can literally hear children beating on the walls. No, no. He's got a point
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    Cat - subtitles: [jumpscare] deaf people:
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    Dog - Coworker: are you ok? You look tired. Me:
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  • 17
    Cat - the my cat won't stop eating my house plants starter pack
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    Cat - My only two moods: I am the most powerful of all witches.
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    Font - barduils owning a cat makes you immune to demons barduils evil spirits in my house: *creak my door open ominously* me: is that you baby??? *kissing noises* come here sweet baby <3 barduils me: *feels another PresenceTM somewhere in the kitchen with me while i'm fetching glass of water at 3am* me, sleepy and unafraid: i'm not letting you out yet you bastard, go back to bed the yellow-eyed demon that stalks me in the dark: *whispering* damn it 476 notes A


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