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Tumblr Thread: Dogs Attempting To Help Their Humans In The Most Unhelpful Ways

  • 1
    Rectangle - reggiemess Follow I love it when dogs try to help but the task at hand requires zero dogs so they just kinda stand in front of you and look serious.

    Hey, do not insult their supervision skills so casually, tumblr user reggiemess. They are not simply standing there looking serious, they are making sure that you do not do anything stupid and that if you do, they will be there to help you. It may be useless for the most part, but one day when you drop that shelf on top of yourself, your dog will be there to… bark or something. 

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  • 2
    Font - i-am-mildly-insane Follow My friends and I were building a snowman and one of them had brought her dog along. He wanted so desperately to help, but his method of helping was to slap the snowman, eat the sticks we were using for arms and just cause general chaos. I had to stand and keep him entertained by throwing snowballs for him to eat so the snowman could be built.

    Well… you can't say that he did not provide very valuable entertainment that day, that's for sure. Who cares about building a snowman when your dog is running around like the happiest boy, feeling all useful and being adorable. We can imagine this being one of the happiest, most memorable days ever.

  • 3
    Azure - s-o-m-h Follow my dogs sit in the kitchen and watch my mom cook every single day. they're there in a split second to clean up any food she drops.
  • 4
    Font - theaspieandtheheadcanons Follow Or try to get in your way because they still don't help, but you just can't be mad at them.
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  • 5
    Font - animalarte Follow When you're doing something with your cat beside you for long enough, they'll want to see what you're doing and why it's interesting. If you're with the computer on the keyboard, they'll stand there to see what you're doing, and if you give them a tiny card board computer, they'll take that one and pretend they're doing the same as you. Also if you're looking at the sky, or watching somethingn they'll stare at the same thing as you. (Sometimes)
  • 6
    Product - nohumanswereharmed Follow My dog has perfected this into a lifestyle. We joke that her job is Assisting, in the DnD sense of the word. She's just constantly calling out to God, "And I assist!"
  • 7
    Mammal - thomasrafitzgerald Follow My cat tries to help with everything one time I was handing my dad stuff and she put her paw in his hand to mimic x.x
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  • 8
    Human body - howmanycatsistoomany Follow When the dogs follow me around while I'm doing physical therapy
  • 9
    Organism - willwriteforcaffeine Follow Spent a long while the other week telling my lecturer's dog that I couldn't open the door while he was pressed against it cause if I did he could also get outside, and he kept aggressively bonking the handle with his nose then making a "aahngauhw" sound like " just press it down you whore I want to go chew on the groundskeeper's tyres"
  • 10
    Water - silviartemis Follow I love it when cats try to help you but the task at hand requires negative one cat so they just stand in your way step on your things sit on your laptop paw at your pens claw at your chair show the butt to your webcam sniff your glass meow and look interested.
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  • 11
    Dog - theblackrainbowcat Follow My dog helps by picking up whatever Object I'm using (especially shoes) and walking in circles with it. If he can't reach the Object he just does this:
  • 12
    Human body - andordean Follow Unless they're my dog, in which case she sticks her long nose into whatever it is that you're doing to make sure you're doing it right.
  • 13
    Font - crocheturlove Follow My dog Specks likes to watch me cook. He knows he's not allowed in the whatever room I'm working in, so he stands in the doorway and stares at me. Every time I bring out a new ingredient or cleaning supply, he tilts his whole fuzzy head. Recently I saw some videos by a Japanese YouTuber (Jun, i think) where he said his cars used to get in the way a lot, but once he started showing them the ingredients/letting them sniff them, they stopped trying to get in the way. The
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  • 14
    Product - pg-chan Follow I feel like cats feel this way about people when we're trying to do anything. We're making a mess of it and they're trying to help but we're just being emotional and getting in the way.
  • 15
    Font - bitter1stuff Follow Not my dog. He knows he needs help putting his sweater on, so when I'm tying my shoes or putting on my jacket, he nudges me with his snout trying to help me put it on. 70,764 notes

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