
CEO Doesn’t Invite Engineers to Company Party, so They Throw a Bigger One and Expense It


“Not allowed at the company party? Throw a bigger one and expense it!” Posted by u/clevercubed

The comment section

“And that small price kept your staff turnover low and your productivity high. Some managers get it and some don't” said u/the_seraphim.

“100% good managers make all the difference.” said u/nickjames239, “I’m not leaving my job until my manager does. One day was really shit. In the morning my truck broke down, called him and he gave me a ride. About 11 I got a call that my wife was in the er, he dropped everything to drive me. The next day we towed my truck to the shop and fixed it. I’m making less than a competitor is offering but I wouldn’t trade my boss for anything.”

“Because engineers and tech is always overlooked until they leave.” replied u/UsefulWarthog.

“New motto: We may not have any products or web site, but we've got the best sales staff in the biz!” said u/yParticle.

“The best sales staff can generate revenue with rubbish products.” said u/ouzo84.

“People don't quit bad jobs, they quit bad bosses. Loyalty, or the lack thereof, only goes up 1 tier.” said u/a8bmiles.

“That's the kind of manager that everybody follows when moving on.” said u/speculatrix.

Read the original thread here.


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