Daughter Wants Mom To Get Rid Of Cat, Spins Questionable Web Of Lies

  • 01
    Hair - AITA for threatening to move in with my dad if my mom doesn't get rid of my sister's cat?
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  • 02
    Font - I (f16) live with my mom most of the time because my dad, (step)mom, and half siblings moved 2 hours away a few months ago and I didn't wanna leave my friends. I honestly like him, my mom, and half siblings on that side better than my bio mom, her husband, and their kid (8) and kinda regret staying here.
  • 03
    Organism - My half sister wanted a cat and her dad got her one. I made it very clear from the first day that I didn't want a cat and that I would not help with it or do anything for it.
  • 04
    Font - This cat is a demon. He sneaks into my room and shits in my hamper all the damn time. He has also peed on my rug so many times that I had to throw it out. I've always been annoyed at this and reminded bio mom and her husband to close my door when they leave my room but they always forget. The one thing
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  • 05
    Font - that I can't stand is that this fucker eats my lunch but nobody has the decency to tell me until I've been looking for it for a few minutes and don't have time to make a new one. Then nobody gives me lunch money because I should've gotten up earlier so I would've had time to make a new one. This is especially bad
  • 06
    Font - on the days that I have dance rehearsals for my school play because I don't eat breakfast, don't have lunch, then do pe for an hour then dance for 3 hours straight before eating for the first time that day. Those days are hell.
  • 07
    Font - I finally snapped the other day because it was a dance rehearsal day and it already ate my lunch, then I came home to find a pile of shit in my clean laundry, another pile of shit on my comforter, and my pillows torn up. My room smelled so bad because it had been left there all day even tho my bio mom doesn't work and could've cleaned it up. I told her that she
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  • 08
    Font - had one week to get rid of that fucker or I'm moving in with my dad. I'm staying at my grandparents' house and have barely spoken to them since.
  • 09
    Font - I told my dad about this and he was pissed and he and my mom have been arguing with my bio mom and she's been coming to my grandparents' house to tell me that I'm putting her in a really tough position and that my half sister has already bonded with that hellspawn (not what she called him) and it would break her heart to get rid of him
  • 10
    Font - but my dad's child support helps a lot and she and her husband can't afford to live in this apartment and pay child support to my dad. I told her that's not my problem. I feel really bad because I know my half sister will be upset but I just can't deal with that thing anymore so AITA?
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  • 11
    Font - SkullBearer5 NTA but it isn't about the cat. The cat is just being a cat. You mother and sister are being the TA by refusing to train and take care of it. This is a bored and neglected cat.
  • 12
    Organism - Unlucky_Ad_5748 This, i have had MANY CATS over the years (like 9) and the only times they pee on the floor is when they're kittens, when there's no litter or when they're mad
  • 13
    Font - Historical_Concept 7 This is odd to me. I've owned cats, and I have two of them now. I've never had a cat that needed to be trained to use a litter box. They prefer to bury their waste, and if there's a box of sand, that's what they'll use. I've also never had a cat consume a lunch that's prepared for me to take elsewhere. What kind of containers are you storing your lunch in? Surely, there's more of a barrier to your food than a brown paper bag. No plastic containers? And what are you ea
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  • 14
    Font - HanSolosHammer Info: how is the cat eating your lunch? Is it just sitting on the counter? Also, you're old enough to choose which parent you want to live with. The cat sounds like it needs training and a vet visit, and a clean litter box. Can you get a lock on your door?


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