Running your finger down the cement line on the walls
You simply did not go to a public elementary school in the 1990s/2000s if you've never moved from class to class without doing this. The hallways are so big and wide. Sometimes you just want to feel small and go as physically close to the wall and away from others as possible. This was oddly satisfying and soothing. Whenever a wall ended you would just wait the next 10 steps and do it again. Ah, just childhood things.
Cafeteria ice cream and small wooden stick spoons
It's a little disturbing to think about how much wood has been ingested by children over the years. So let's not think about it too much. This used to be a frozen delight. Kids crave dessert so they'll take just about anything they can get their hands on. The best cups had vanilla and chocolate flavors side by side.
The infamous pinnies/jerseys
When the gym teacher brought out the box of pinnies you knew it was about to go down. My elementary school always brought out the pinnies for soccer, those colorful square scoter things, dodgeball and ultimate frisbee.
Old school yellow school busses
Multiplication table tests
I still have nightmare's from these. My third grade teacher used to time us to see how fast we could complete them. I'm getting anxious just thinking about it.
Plastic classroomchairs
The static could make your hair go up.
Microsoft Paint
The art rack
Colorful plastic circles
Honestly, I still don't know what these were for. I remember the rubber circles/spots for standing on better.
Out of tune recorder
Every music class had these. It will forever baffle our minds as they do not make sweet sounds. Unless you count the sweet sound of suffering.
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