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Woman Kicks Her Roommate Out And Replaces Her With Hedgehog: Reddit Storytime

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    It all started when someone asked Reddit this odd question...

    Font - AITA for kicking my best friend out of my apartment and replacing them with my pet hedgehog?

    Hmm, we're not sure if this even needs to be a post. If you're going around kicking your roommates out then there are really only a few reasons you can do that without being an a-hole. But let's see where this goes, it might be an interesting story. At the very least the mention of a hedgehog is certainly promising to make it a bit interesting.

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    The original poster quickly began to explain her situation.

    Font - I know, I know the title sounds bad but let me explain. As much as I love my bestie, her room is an absolute dump. Every day I would get back from my 11 hour night shift and see clothes thrown all across the floor, 3 or 4 chip packets lying on the table,

    Wow, it really sucks when you have a roommate who leaves messes everywhere! But we're wondering, do these two roommates share a room? Because keeping your mess in your room is one thing, but leaving it all across the house is way way worse. It's especially bad when roommates lie about how messy or neat they are! 

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    She explained that her former roommate had been very messy.

    Font - pots and pans and spilled remnants of whatever she was cooking for dinner that night mushed on the kitchen stove. I've confronted her many times about it but she always changed the subject. I talked to my landlord, but there's nothing he can do, we're both paying equal rent.
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    She also explained that her roommate met a boy.

    Font - 3 months later my best friends starts dating and brings a guy back to the apartment. He immediately is shocked by the absolute pigsty which is her room. I hate to admit it, but I felt justice and thought that my friends messy habits were finally going to catch up with him. Alas, they don't, and he helps her tidy her room and wash her clothes for the first time in months.
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    With the original poster feeling lonely, she decided to adopt a hedgehog.

    Font - Another 6 months past and I'm feeling as lonely as ever, so I adopt a lovely cute hedgehog friend. The poor little soul was being trapped in a cage for his lifetime. I let him roam free in my apartment. My best friend arrives home. She and her boyfriend sadly broke up, but there was no bad blood, and he miraculously changed her life for the better. Her room and clothes
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    Her roommate was not so thrilled with the new surprise house pet.

    Font - her so happy. However, she was PISSED when she found out that I'd adopted a hedgehog without telling her, and was letting it roam around the apartment and "getting it's muddy little paws everywhere". I angrily tell her that just 9 months ago she was the monster getting her muddy paws everywhere and turning the house into a dump. She apologized but then said that there's only room for two in HER apartment, and the hedgehog had to go.
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    An ultimatum was reached: either the pet had to go, or the roommate.

    Font - I was FURIOUS. She clearly recognized this and said "you're going to have to choose, me or the hedgehog." Long story short, I chose the hedgehog. So reddit, AITA?
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    Inevitably, the hedgehog stayed, and people had a lot of thoughts...

    Font - judgy_mcjudgypants ESH overall. It's a bad idea to bring pets into a shared space without everyone's knowledge. Also hedgehogs are illegal in some places. Also it's not clear whether she left or whether you kicked her out -- if the latter you didn't really have the legal authority. That said, the hedgie sounds like a better person to live with, and your friend was the one to make the ultimatum. NTA for the decision.
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    Many thought that the OP was an a-hole for adopting a pet, and an exotic one at that, without asking her roommate.

    Font - thirdtrvisthecharm ESH. You're more TA. Your roommate was a slob in the apartment and is TA for that. But it is NEVER okay to bring a pet into a shared home without everyone okaying that.
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    Others felt like the OP was in the clear, and her roommate sounded terrible.

    Font - Liu_Su_Mian_Hua On the other hand..it sounds like OP owns this house judging by how they are able to kick the roomie out. Telling someone what they can and cannot do in a house they own is a bold choice especially if you weren't the best of tenant prior.
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    Most people felt somewhere in the middle, that both roommates sounded quite toxic.

    Font - TheReal_Roosevelt Best friend's attitude indicates they probably have other issues, but the cleanliness was just the most obvious that OP could use to demonstrate. If best friend doesn't have a hedgehog allergy, it's not their apartment and they need to get over it. OP did the right thing, and owes us a picture of that hedgehog!
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    Either way, we're gonna need to see photos of that hedgehog!

    Font - bathtubbbarricuda Was she seriously jealous over a hedgehog NTA and if the hedgehog is staying indoors which is what I assume it's feet are gonna be clean

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