11+ People Share Silly & Stupid Stories of Getting in Trouble at School

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    This punishment actually seems appropriate.

    Font - Kate Tuttle ... @katekilla Oh, and what was your punishment? (Mine was three days of in-school suspension, in the Orwellian-named Opportunity Room room in the basement.) a windowless -- 10:53 AM · 2/2/22 · Twitter Web App 2 Retweets 56 Likes
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  • 02

    Damn, girl.

    Font - Kate Tuttle ... @katekilla I literally forgot about the other times I got in trouble: once for drawing a couple naked, having sex (as well as I understood that in third grade); and the other time for writing an illustrated novella about all my middle school teachers and their orgies. (I was a curious kid). 11:54 AM · 2/2/22· Twitter Web App
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    Nobody likes a narc.

    Font - ... Barbara VanDenburgh BABE NTH THE @BabsVan OWER Replying to @katekilla My art teacher of all people narced on me for not standing for the pledge, and I had to defend myself to the principal for an hour even though it's extremely my right not to stand for it, which we both knew. He was, apparently, "extremely disappointed" in me. 5:15 PM · 2/2/22 Twitter Web App
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    A Boss Move

    Musical instrument - Frank W. Lewis /l am the Jersey De. @FrankWLewis ... Replying to @katekilla Grade school principal (a nun) used a big hand-held bell to demand silence in the cafeteria. One day she set it down next to me and walked away. I removed the clanger. Kid next to me saw, and in five seconds everyone at the table knew. In 20 seconds, the whole caf knew. .. 12:28 PM - 2/2/22 · Twitter Web App
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    Font - Frank W. Lewis /I am the Jersey De... @FrankWLewis RS ... Replying to @FrankWLewis and @katekilla So everyone starts making a lot of noise. She hustles back to my table, picks up the bell and ... nothing. The crowd goes wild. Everyone at my table had to stay after lunch and clean the caf, and I may have gotten a detention. Totally worth it. 12:29 PM · 2/2/22 · Twitter Web App
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    Font - the book shop Book Shop of Beverly Farms @ShopFarms beserdy jarn Replying to @katekilla Sam got yanked off the bus in kindergarten for saying, "'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' sucks," after the %3D bus driver suggested it as singalong. It was all downhill from there. 11:18 AM · 2/2/22 · Twitter Web App
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    Font - Jessamyn West O @jessamyn Replying to @katekilla I got lectured by the principal about anarchism as he (poorly) understood it after writing an article for the school paper about anarchy. Years later he and the vice principal got into a fist fight in school because they were both cheating on their spouses with the same woman. 7:21 PM · 2/2/22 · Twitter Web App 31 Likes
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    Font - Christian Mazel Tov, MS @ChryssF Replying to @katekilla I once wasn't allowed to go to recess because I read ahead in the English textbook. I spent it in the classroom, you guessed it, reading. NO REGRETS!!! 12:33 PM · 2/2/22 · Twitter for iPhone 1 Quote Tweet 21 Likes
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    Font - Kate Fried ... @kate_fried Replying to @katekilla My homeroom teacher sent me to the principal's office b/c I refused to stand for the pledge of allegiance. Principal sighed, rolled their eyes, and sent me back to class. yes, I was a total nerd. 11:56 AM · 2/2/22 · Twitter Web App 21 Likes
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    Font - ElissaSchappell @ElissaSchappell Replying to @katekilla I was asked to leave the Girl Scouts after setting a very small fire in the Quaker Meeting House where they held troop meetings. It was barely anything. My parents were very very very disappointed and I was sent to my room to think about what I had done. 10:34 PM 2/2/22 Twitter Web App 4 Likes
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    Font - tim weiner ... @Folly_and_Glory Replying to @katekilla At our hippy-dippy alternative school, my best friend and stole the school trash truck to drive to the Dunkin' Donuts in Brattleboro at midnight. We were hungry, for some reason. He became a five-term state legislator in Maine. I went on to cover the ClA for The New York Times. 7:00 PM 2/2/22· Twitter Web App 11 Likes
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    Font - Victor LaValle ... @victorlavalle Replying to @katekilla Brought a knife to school and cut up the backs of all the bus's seats. (It was long yellow bus so it was a lot of seats.) When the driver caught me he said, Well what in the *hell* are you doing. Nearly got kicked out. (But my mom fought for me to stay.) 11:56 AM · 2/2/22 · Twitter Web App
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    Font - Lisa Peet ... @lisapeet1 Replying to @katekilla Boarding school, got caught during inspection w/a dresser drawer full of empty bottles 3 weeks before graduation. Guy doing inspection was the art teacher, who liked me, so I had to put up with 3 weeks of him & the sculpture teacher yelling BUSTED! at me whenever I walked by. 7:48 PM · 2/2/22 · Twitter for iPhone 4 Likes
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    Font - Denise Massar @denisemassar Replying to @katekilla Two friends and I attempted a dine 'n dash at Pizza Hut, forgetting our last names were in huge block letters on the back of our volleyball sweatshirts. Got called into the principal's office right after lunch. It's my dumb criminal story for my kids. 11:57 AM · 2/2/22 · Twitter for iPhone 9 Likes


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