Total Jerk Face Tries To Stop Stray Cats From Being Fed Near His House

  • 01
    Human body - WIBTA if I asked my downstairs neighbors to stop feeding stray cats?
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  • 02
    Font - I just moved in upstairs and they make my dog anxious, like pacing and whining at the window etc. When we go outside they're by the front door and my dog really wants to get to them which I don't like, because it could result in an injury.
  • 03
    Font - My roommate has told me the lady downstairs gets worked up easily over things like parking spots, none of them are reserved and they're first come first served. But she gets super heated when "hers"
  • 04
    Font - is taken. She also was banging on her ceiling (my floor) the first day I moved in when I was setting up my bed frame which took no longer than 20 minutes. So I'm hesitant to say anything, but this has been on my mind the past few days and I just want to prevent anything bad from happening between my dog and the stray cats that hang out at our door and make my dog shaking with anxiety throughout the day.
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  • 05
    Font - Vegetable-Trust-5316 · 14 hr. ago They're homeless cats that are just trying to eat. Your neighbor is doing something nice for the cats. It's not your place to tell her what she can and can not do. Yta
  • 06
    Font - Ollyollyoxenfree OP · 14 hr. ago I think you misread my post. I said ask, not tell her what she can and can not do. I know it's something nice she's doing but it does pose a threat for my dog.
  • 07
    Font - Aggravating-Lemon827 · 14 hr. ago It's very unlikely that a feral cat would stick around next to a dog. They would take off the minute they saw the dog. You can, however, take the opportunity to train your dog to reduce its reactivity. Also, the only thing I would approach your neighbor about would be if she takes advantage of trap and release programs in your area. So that the cats don't breed.
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  • 08
    Font - endymion2300 · 14 hr. ago Partassipant [1] YWBTA if you ask her to stop feeding the cats. you can talk to her and see if she's part of a rescue and/or if the cats are fixed. if they aren't fixed, contact a local rescue and ask them to send someone over to trap them. they'll either find them homes or release them back where they found, but neutered and with their shots. at that point your dog won't be able to get to them (or get attacked by one) as long as you keep it on a leash. there are
  • 09
    Font - jesstheprequel · 15 hr. ago Partassipant [3] YTA - The cats were there first, and it's incumbent upon you as the dog's owner to manage your dog's behavior and anxiety, not for others to change their lifestyle to accommodate your dog.
  • 10
    Font - shzan1 · 12 hr. ago Asshole Aficionado [18] YTA. your dogs anxiety is your responsibility to help him work through. The most you can do is ask her to feed them a ways away from your doorway for the cat's own safety as they now wait too close when you're taking your dog out.
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  • 11
    Font - Ollyollyoxenfree OP · 12 hr. ago Thank you for your response, I have been working on it with her, and she's come a long way, this is just another obstacle for us to overcome. I've been taking her to work with me so she's not whining. I was just hoping there could be a solution to diminish the threat in this situation at once, instead of having to adapt to it. Because realistically the threat still remains regardless of if she's full trained.
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    Font - lifetooshort4bs · 14 hr. ago Asshole Aficionado [13] YTA - you'd rather her starve the cats because your dog has anxiety? Train your dog, keep it leashed when outside, and leave your neighbor alone. Hopefully, she is fixing the ferals/strays so they don't continue to reproduce. They get rabies shots when they're fixed. If any of them have tipped ears, you'll know that they've been neutered/spayed (if you're in the US).
  • 13
    Font - windyrainyrain · 15 hr. ago Partassipant [2]] It sounds like she's lived there for a while and has probably been feeding the cats for a long time. Are you positive they are strays? Or, do they belong to her? I'd maybe ask the landlord about it. If they're okay with her doing it, there really isn't a lot you can do. Can you put a curtain or something to block the view so your dog isn't fixating on them all the time? Make sure your dog is leashed when you go out when the cats are around. It


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