‘Should Flight Attendants Be Paid During Boarding?’ Question Sparks Debate in Thread

  • Automotive lighting - dn girls 2 @jazzcatte how many people out here just finding out that they arent Ben Schlappig O @OneMileataTime · 3d Should Flight Attendants Be Paid During Boarding? bit.ly/360FEXP 19:44 · 2/11/22 · Twitter for iPhone
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  • Wait, you mean they don't get paid for boarding?

    Organism - onan the barbarian * @afivegantenna Replying to @jazzcatte the way i'd just assumed they were being paid from the moment they stepped into the airport 12:47 · 2/12/22 · Twitter for iPhone
  • Eyebrow - Jack Harlow is a billy goat @revbuns ... Replying to @NoEmmeG Like?? What type of question is that Imao 15:20 · 2/12/22 · Twitter for iPhone
  • Is it an American problem?

    Font - Anthony "Fully" Vaxxaro / / @WaryWolf Replying to @jazzcatte For anyone else wondering, pretty sure this is a US-only thing, and first world countries pay their flight attendants properly :) 03:45 · 2/12/22 · Twitter Web App
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  • World - anderscules @AndersCules · 2d HRICE Replying to @jazzcatte America be like: “should employees at stores be paid when the store is empty?" ♡ 2 27 12 390 Deo @dmc_dmcc · 1d God this is so real 34
  • Font - RING! Rawwwbb know who you a @Rawwwb1 Replying to @jazzcatte We let corporations take so much from people. It's ridiculous. Other types Wage Theft (when employers steal from employees) of theft Minimum wage violations $23.20 billion Overtime violations Larceny $5.30 billion $8.80 billion Burglary $4.10 billion Auto Theft $3.80 billion Rest Break violations $4.00 billion Off-the-clock violations $3.20 billion *all $ amounts are per year Robbery $0.34 billion all data is for the U.S. 13:33
  • Some argued that the airline industry is just unsustainable

    World - bing maps explorer @Earthgrub Replying to @jazzcatte it's honestly very funny that the airline industry is so absurdly unsustainable and has such razor thin margins that they have to treat every human involved like shit in order to ever turn a profit 07:09 · 2/12/22 · Twitter for Android
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  • Font - Alex Fieser @AlexFieser Replying to @SolOmniaLucet @jazzcatte and @Yuri_Librarian "if we only pay them while they're in the air, they will work harder to quickly get the aircraft turned around." Is no doubt the thought process here. Every day, the rich make me believe eating them is our only option to survive. 21:36 · 2/11/22 · Twitter Web App
  • World - Carly O AoT SPOILERS @CarlyTargaryen Replying to @afivegantenna and @jazzcatte They are only paid by hours in the air, which is absurd. 6 hour layover? Unpaid. Delayed take off? Unpaid. 16:19 · 2/12/22 · Twitter for Android
  • Flight attendants aren't just sitting around twiddling their thumbs during boarding

    Organism - Solysp @SolOmniaLucet Replying to @jazzcatte and @Yuri_Librarian Ay what the fuck? They are clearly working at boarding. Notably, if an incident occurs during boarding the flight attendants are responsible for safely evacuating the passengers. They should absolutely be getting paid. 19:58 · 2/11/22 · Twitter for Android
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  • Organism - Tayla is tired @xybergay ... Replying to @jazzcatte I was on a flight that had an engine malfunction which resulted in an 8 hour delay before taking off on a different plane. They should have been paid overtime for that and managing all the distressed passengers that needed food cheques or their luggage removed from the plane. 08:35 · 2/12/22 · Twitter for Android
  • Font - maura quint @behindyourback ... Replying to @OneMileataTime If your employer requires you to be somewhere and you may not leave, that is work. Doesn't matter if you're sweeping or sleeping, that is work, and of course you should be paid for it. Also pointing to "other jobs exploit workers" is not the argument you think it is. Flight attendants typically only get somewhere around 100 flight hours per month, but that doesn't mean they're just working 100 hours - they work a lot more than th
  • The tweet made its way over to Reddit

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