
13 Burning Questions Men Were Dying To Ask Women Anonymously

  • 1

    How many guys have you slept with?

    This definitely is not a first date question. Perhaps a never question but it all depends on personal preference. It truly isn't anyone's business. But if you must know, make sure you wait to ask until you really get to know each other. Make sure to catch the vibe if they are are even open enough to talk about their sexual past. 

  • 2

    Do women like abs or arms more?

    This one caught us off guard a little bit. It actually is a reasonable question. We had to contemplate it for a moment. Most people jump the gun and say abs. But honestly, there is nothing wrong with a dad bod. Also, arms just slap. We see the arms first before abs anyway. Strong arms are a sign of protection. Old school thinking we know, but c'mon you know you like to be cuddled in big arms too. 

  • 3

    How frequently do girls masturbate?

    A healthy amount good sirs. Just know women do it too so don't be weird about it. 

  • 4

    Do girls find it attractive if a guy claims to have a lot of options?

    What do you think broski? We have never met a woman who found a guy attractive for playing around or trying to make us feel jealous because they have 'options.' Nah Nah Nah. 

  • 5

    Do I pursue a girl who's cancelled on me twice?

    Hmm, now this is a tough one. It could be a sign to leave her alone. But she could also be genuinely busy. When in doubt, just be up front and ask if she wants to reschedule or say see ya later. 

  • 6

    Do girls actually like dick pics?

    This also depends on the woman of course. We can confirm that NO woman likes an un-solicited dick pick. Do you think we want to see your little friend while we are grocery shopping? No. Wait for the right context. 

  • 7

    Is it okay to wake you up in the middle of the night for a sex session?

    Consent is sexy. Always ask ahead of time if they are down for a wake and shake. The middle of the night sounds inconvenient if you ask us. Wait til morning and still make sure to ask!! 

  • 8

    Does a wedding ring on a guy stop you from flirting?

    For some women living on the rebellious side, this is a sign to flirt. Homewreckers are always lurking. It's also fun to be dangerous. But there is also girl code. Most women try to respect it. 

  • 9

    Most sexually excitable spot on your body?

    A woman's body is almost entirely an erogenous zone. Erogenous zones are parts of the body that excite sexual feelings when touched or stimulated. Examples are breasts, lips, and buttocks. But even places like the collar bone or wrist can excite. Every lady has different favorite spots. 

  • 10

    Why do women go to the bathroom together? And does anything noteworthy tend to happen in those ladies room meetings?

    This we are afraid has to stay sacred. We cannot disclose such powerful secrets. What happens in the women's bathroom stays in the women's bathroom. 

  • 11

    Should I tell a girl I'm a virgin or just wing it?

    Honesty is the best policy my man. If she is a caring woman and deserving of your intricacy, than she will not judge. 

  • 12

    Do girls honestly like the nice guys?

    Contrary to popular belief, yes. Not all good guys finish last. It's true women love a little passion and maybe a little aggression in the bedroom. But deep down we need a charming personality. 

  • 13

    How does a guy politely ask for a blowjob?

    Definitely don't just outright ask. Have a sincere talk about what you both like in the bedroom. Get the awkward things out of the way early. You'll thank each other later. 

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