20 Terrible Liars Get Called Out and Put on Blast, Top Lies of the Month (February 2022)

  • 01

    Bite my shiny metal payraise.

    Cartoon - John DiMaggio replied GameSpot O @GameSpot · 1d G) Futurama actor John DiMaggio says he deserves more money to play Bender in the revival: trib.al/9lcT7q9 693 27 633 ♡ 1,782 John DiMaggio Nope. Clickbait. O @TheJohnDi... · 5M : ♡ 4 27 8 68
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  • 02

    The post itself is what's infuriating

    Furniture - r/mildlvinfuriating Share Vote 27m • i.redd.it 3m Finland Olympic team's temporary accommodation after complaints about leaking roof. Literally just googled "old mattress in old building" on google and this was the first photo. Seems legit. Can find this photo along with similar HERE G Reply - Vote OP 6m It's a joke you fcking de phebag. & - Vote Vote 8 * Share Now BEST COMMENTS wrong sub then.
  • 03
    Font - James Gunn @JamesGunn · 17m Don't you know by now to make really sure of this stuff before posting? This is bullshit. No one knows what's coming but me, & even I don't fully know. GIANT FREAKIN ROBOT @G... · 1d Bane is going to be part of the Peacemaker second season, likely as one of the primary antagonists. giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/exclusive-. 181 27 324 3,172
  • 04

    I dropped everything to respond to this one

    Font - ***** 43 mins ago Horrible horrible experience,the server and cashier were so rude. We were so excited to try this place ,they made sure we never come back. Place just lacks compassion. Will never Go THERE (owner) 4 mins ago Hi you and broke our policy by refusing to wear masks within our space. Upon informing us that the masks hurt your ears, the team compassionately offered to have you wait outside and come get you when your table was ready. Instead you decided to call them "f-cking r-t
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  • 05

    This person trying to get internet points for someone else's work fails miserably because of watermarks left by an OG artist

    Motor vehicle - r/ImaginarySliceOfLife u/ L: 4h • i.redd.it 3 Cozy Microcosm, by Me JARS ARTS 2020 OJARS.ARTS 345 13 Share + Award SINGLE COMMENT THREAD VIEW ALL • 28m There's no confirmation you're the real artist, unless you only recently made a reddit user account. I've visited insta that is in the corner of the drawing, which led me to the website of an artist. There was no reference to reddit there. And the username is different. Plus, your reddit account has only one post, compared to inst
  • 06

    Tech CEO tells story of developing his company's Super Bowl ad, then gets called out by the head of the agency that actually came up with the idea.

    Font - 15h ... 1/ Some folks asked for details of how our super bowl ad came to be, here is the quick back story... O 214 セ? 539 O 2,859 2/ - we bought it not knowing what we would do - initially an outside agency pitched us a bunch of standard super bowl ad ideas -I didn't like any of them (standard super bowl ads tend to be gimmicky, celebrity cameo driven, going for a laugh etc) O 15 17 26 374 ... 3/ - side note: it never made sense to me why I should like a product because a famous person go
  • 07

    The room was expensive but the view is A+

    Product - r/pics Posted by u 3• 2h • i.redd.it The room was expensive, but the view is A+ Pics & Gifs 14 3 Share O Award ТОР СОМMENTS 4h The view is amazing. What city is this? - Reply It's fake, zoom in
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  • 08

    Redditor gets butthurt after I exposed them for catfishing me, then proceeds to delete entire post and comment history

    Product - 1:28 1 Hi? Hi, I'm really not convinced that you're "real" and using pictures that are really you. Please stop lying to people. Do you want me to jump through hoops to "prove" that I'm a "real" person? So in your comment history you recommended Based Zeus' videos because they helped you with dating girls when you were younger, old but now you're a petite 25 year blonde whose pictures look like you took them straight from Google Images? Come on. Give it up. Stop lying to people. Stop hu
  • 09

    Impersonating a medic and firefighter

    Product - r/news ... 547 53 1, Share + Award 14h I don't think they physically exploded like a bomb would though. More of a fire ball flash over. Like a structure fire flash over seems like an explosion but it's not. It's just everything getting super heated and oxygen rapidly introduced to a flame source. If Gas could explode then why are not bombs made is up of It? -1 13h Sourcre? In my what 18 years as a medic firefighter, thousands of accidents. Hundreds fatal, the amount of fuel tanks explo
  • 10

    Such a weird thing to lie about too...?

    Font - Is Needing Constant Sex With Random Guys a Symptom of ADHD? Questions/Advice/Support I think my girlfriend might have BPD but I hear hyper sexual activity is also common in ADHD. I try to talk about her not having sex with guys in our bedroom, but she doesn't seem able to listen and I'm beginning to think she has issues with paying attention. Sometimes I just play my new PS5 in the basement and I hear her bringing home guys from the club, I've asked if I can join in but she gets mad at me
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  • 11

    Dude reposted my art and claimed it was his

    Cartoon - 3:53 1 r/kof 2h i.redd.it Someone requested I draw the Mexico Team and l'm glad they did because I'm pretty proud of this! 18 6 1, Share Award SINGLE COMMENT THREAD VIEW ALL • 52m Looks pretty good. and familiar since l'm the one who drew it a year ago Add a comment >>
  • 12

    Guy gets called out for pretending to have made a web drawing. Quick Google search unzips his lie

    Cartoon - O local ballsack tickler Today at 8:31 AM finished this today Coolest gengar Today at 10:18 AM So pog O elocal ballsack tickler Click to see attachment A local playable tord Today at 10:30 AM uhuh yep O Images for wandering trader llama minecraft fan art i minecraft craft minecraft pictures tumgir wandering villager Feedback reverse image search
  • 13

    I genuinely thought this was legit

    Font - Oct 26 I've been kicked out of my house for a few weeks. I'm 13. What do I do? Originally Answered: I'm being kicked out of my house at 13. What do I do? If your parents are planning to kick you out of your house while you are 13, you can't do much. But if your already kicked out of your house at 13 years old, then you can go to the nearest police station and tell them the situation because what your parents have done is illegal and child neglect. If you can't go to a police station go to
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  • 14

    Guy steals cat photo and pretends it's his...

    White - Best part is I don't actually own a cat. 7 people here Add a comment GIF +2 • 2h Of course you don't. Cats don't have owners, they have staff G Reply 4 77 OP '+2• 2h Loyal servants НАТЕ IS NOT AN OPINION +3 • 1h Not even this photo is yours! Shamelessly stolen from a tweet https:// www.reddit.com/r/NonPoliticalTwitter/comments/ sq6mtd/dafuq/? utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share A 6 Reply 63
  • 15

    Samuel L. Jackson himself corrects a movie “facts” page

    Eyewear - didyouknowmovies MOVIES MOVIES FACT #2232 While filming The Avengers' in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Samuel L. Jackson discovered 'Breaking Bad' was shooting in the studio across from his own set. He attempted to sneak into the background of a scene dressed as Nick Fury, but the producers caught him and refused his offe for a cameo. 20,688 likes didyouknowmovies... more View all 143 comments samuelljackson Not true! I just wanted to go into Hermanos & buy some chicken in the background of
  • 16

    Guy Googles Squirrel photo and pretends he caught it.

    Photograph - « Safari Hunting r/Hunting ... r/Hunting V• 12m · i.redd.it Caught this big feller on my hunting trip, love to go hunting to get away from the nagy wife. Vote T, Share BEST COMMENTS V · 19m not that hard to google a squirrel r/quityourbullshit O Edit ... on 12m How tf could people believe that this image was actually real. 仓20 min · 22m Tennessee Damn boy he THICCC 6 Reply ... 1. 7m It's literally the first image on google.. Vote 3 Share G Reply 仓14 ... Add a comment Add a comment
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  • 17

    User claims to be a biologist but gives a biologically false factoid

    Font - r/explainlikeimfive ELIS Eli5: Is there anything in your body that you're born with that is still there when you die? Like on a molecular level. Biology Most (?) of your bones grow. I'm assuming most internal organs grow. Is it a continuous process of dead layers shedding off/morphing as new ones replace them? Are there parts of your brain that are the same cells you were born with when you die? A certain section of the skull that never changes? To ask it another way: Is everything in you
  • 18


    White - 23 My dad and the Notorious B.I.G. circa 1996 when he visited my dad's clothing store in Detroit, Michigan • 21m• 96% upvoted ^ 53 Add comment E New 3 points 3m Your dad was in Shameless? 2 points 8m My future designers 2 points 15m Your dad is who biggie was talking about when he said "my Detroit playas" 1 point 1m Ouch. Forget to switch accounts? point just now That's amazing.
  • 19

    Twitter user claims to have talked to Chlöe Bailey in high school, despite her being home schooled

    Human - Chlöe O ... @ChloeBailey i was homeschooled for HS Chloe Bailey had tried to talk to me when we was in high school but I told her one day she gon be a star don't focus on me .. focus on your craft. And look what she done. Proud of her
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  • 20

    Plagiarist steals photo, applies a filter, calls it “by me”

    Cheezburger Image 9667209728


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