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Dude Lets Dog Poop In Neighbor's Yard, Picks It Up, Doesn't Understand Why Neighbor Is Upset

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    Font - Posted by u/Juniper2020 2 days ago 2 32 AITA for letting my dog poop in somebody's front yard even though I always pick it up and bag it?
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    Font - We just moved from near a public park to a neighborhood. Our golden loved the park and our walks and had free range (pooped on walks and we always bagged and tossed it). I just took him on a walk in our new neighborhood and he pooped on our street in some pine straw on somebody's side yard. I picked it up, and continued walking, and an older man came out, "checked his ymail," and then walked towards me and asked if I wouldn't let my dog poop in his yard in the future. I politely told him

    Okay, okay, thank you OP, for the context. We get it, you are new in town and you are still assessing the vibes and seeing what feels right in your new and improved neighborhood. It's a process. It takes time, and a certain willingness to adjust. 

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    Organism - gestured to the bag, but he didn't seem to think that mattered much. Anyway, it's clearly rude to leave dog poop in somebody's yard, but I assumed if you picked it up, it's fine?! Where else would he go? I can't drive him to a park for every single walk so what's customary in neighborhoods?

    It is clearly rude to leave your doggo's poop in someone else's yard, but OP picked it! We are just failing to see the issue here. Okay, to play devil's advocate, we guess the poop does leave SOME unpleasant residue in this guy's yard. But, but, fertilizer?

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    Font - I'm admittedly highly sensitive when a stranger scolds me (esp. because I consider myself very conscientious), but want to know if I'm in the wrong. I get that certain people take great pride in their lawns but this seemed extreme (and it was in pine straw so no risk of damaging any grass?). Please set me straight! 2.7k Comments •..

    "I'm admittedly highly sensitive when a stranger scolds me (esp. because I consider myself very conscientious), but want to know if I'm in the wrong. I get that certain people take great pride in their lawns but this seemed extreme (and it was in pine straw so no risk of damaging any grass?)."

    We do appreciate the willingness to learn and grow, we see you OP. 

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    Font - simplylisa · 2 days ago S 2 Partassipant [1] NAH As a homeowner in a dog heavy neighborhood, as long as you pick it up, I don't care of you're dog poops. I do mind if your dog pees in my yard. By mid summer I have multiple rounds patches off between grass. As for your neighbor, he's within his rights to say "but in my yard". It's his yard, but not his dog. Take more and avoid his yard in the future. 5.5k Reply Share •••
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    Font - Creative_Tart7794 · 1 day ago If somebody tells you to stay off their property...stay tf off their property. You are not entitled to their lawn so your animal can use it as a bathroom. Full stop. Stay off their property. It's not yours. It's not your dogs. Simple concept. And nobody will ever be an AH for not liking someone else's animal shitting on their property.
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    Font - potscfs · 2 days ago Asshole Enthusiast [5] You are one lucky dog owner that you've NEVER had to pick up dog poop on a walk. Besides property ownership and the obsession with picking up a natural fertilizer and throwing it in a landfill (where have people pooped for millennia?) why do you care if there is an itty picked up poop stain on the edge of your lawn by the street, are you eating lunch there?
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    Font - CrazyBoPe edited 2 days ago Asshole Enthusiast [8] ago YTA He asked you to stop letting your dog poop on his property. He didn't yell at you or make a scene - he made a reasonable request that you not have your dog poop on his property. "Where else is your dog supposed to go?" How about your own property. 3.0k Reply Share •••
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    Font - bunnynose23 · 2 days ago I have 2 big dogs, we walk the neighborhood every morning. They are not allowed to walk on others' lawns - we walk on the sidewalk They've also been trained to poop IN the street if they need to go while we walk, otherwise they poop in our yard. We have spots we stop for them to sniff and pee, it's area owned/maintained by the county and not my neighbors.
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    Font - lovetoread_87 · 2 days ago Eh, I'm going to go with NAH. On one hand, a dog's gotta go and you picked up after it, so typically not a biggie. But the homeowner is also entitled to not want dogs on his property, so he's NTA either. Going forward, I'd just steer your dog away from his lawn and call it good. 1.8k Reply Share •..
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    Font - annoymous1996 · 2 days ago Asshole Aficionado [19] YTA even when you pick it up there is a residue of poop. If they wanted dog poop in their yard they would have a dog. Don't let your dog go into peoples yards. Leashes exist for a reasons
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    Font - SimplySam4210 · 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago O Professor Emeritass [95] NTA and people are being so weird about this. I do have to say that I do let my dog poop in the grass strip between the sidewalk and the street, which is actually public property.

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