
Bemused Daughter Shares Mom’s Vegetatively Odd Hobby With The World

  • 1
    Rectangle - neuter_your_pets I Pinned The MOMA has a place for this
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  • 2
    Font - hole4tommyhiddleston This is the funniest thing I've ever witnessed
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    Font - termitesinmyhead I need you to crop these images with the full text for me please
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    Human body - gingerbiiitch She could publish a book of these photos
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    Font - beavistractor Tell your mom to make this into an instagram
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    Human body - twigirl44 The yassification of carrots
  • 7
    Rectangle - okgabi_ you mean coolest hobby
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    Following the popularity of her art, @teagannnnnn_ shared a little more of the creative process.

    From allotment to photoshoot, the effort put into this is admirable. 


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    She also had to include a few more glorious examples.

    It takes a special kind of individual to have this level of vision, but boy, is it great that somebody out there does. If anyone is in need of a new hobby, maybe it's time to start a movement.



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