Baffled Woman Tells Story Of How Her Ex Faked His Own Death To Break Up With Her

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    Viewers were eager to hear more.

    Rectangle - sbarbosat call him danny phantom cause he's going ghost
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    Rectangle - dragons_of_magicg my condolences and I hope therapy goes well
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    Human body - broccoli.soupy he took ghosting a bit too serious
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    Organism - tutsie.rOll it should be a crime tbh ithinkimabby· Creator The fact that he did nothing legally wrong is stupid
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    Organism - But why just sounds like so much work because I imagine you met some of his friends too did he fake his death from everyone? Just you?? ithinkimabby· Creator I think most people but not some of his inner circle
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    Vertebrate - idoltheanarchist he was just in a silly goofy mood
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    Font - lawlietstoecake mine did that three times, i believed him every time, AND HE PRETENDED TO BE HIS SISTER ithinkimabby · Creator MINE PRETENDED TOO FAKE NUMBERS AND EVRYTHINH
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    Rectangle - mjgardner19 People actually do this in real life ??????
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    Soon after, Abby filled in viewers with the details of the strange occurrence.

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